How To Dominate Content Marketing With Machine Learning Tools

How To Dominate Content Marketing With Machine Learning Tools

The internet is loaded with too much content.

Whether you’re blogging, publishing a video, or sharing an image, you are contributing to the 2.5 quintillion bytes of data that is made everyday!

The old method of publishing tons of content isn’t as effective as it used to be. Many more are publishing great content nowadays to the point that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to be heard over all that digital noise.

It’s time to blow off that dust and apply a shiny new coat of machine learning polish to your content strategy.

What is Machine Learning?

As a sub-set of artificial intelligence, machine learning occurs when computer algorithms are programmed to learn from the data and information it inputs. The outputs of these machines differ each time because they are able to change their resulting actions from studying patterns, trends, and data-points.

The more information that is fed in, the more accurate and personalized the results are.

You can see machine learning in technologies that might surprise you. Pre-populating search engines, self-driving cars, spam filtering, optical character recognition, and even in a game of Super Mario.

Video by: Seth Bling

Creating a new and refocused content marketing strategy

We’re all drowning in content. There is too much to read, scroll through, and find out what’s really useful. The consequence of this is decreasing engagement, as seen in TrackMaven’s survey.

Track Maven's Survey for machine learning tools

In your role as a content marketer, you track your blog and social media analytics to understand trends. These trends then help you figure out the direction of your blog and social media efforts.

With so much information do you often find yourself asking these questions with your marketing tools?

  • Is all this information necessary? Which metrics actually matter?
  • What’s the scale of data that is actually being studied?
  • Will this tool tell me exactly what I need to do without too much hassle?
  • How will this information contribute to the future success of my content marketing efforts?
  • How long do I have to wait for the results to show?

By using machine learning tools, you will be able to easily shift your content marketing strategy to be more effective and useful for your audience.

How to create personalized content for your audience using machine learning tools

To increase job efficiency, machine learning tools are able to reduce the time it takes to manually track and decipher your data into effective actionable tasks that will lead to predicted success.

Refreshing your content strategy now entails creating personalized content that is predicted to give you engagement well-before you trial-and-error blog topics.

It’s time to break out that polish.

Here are some intelligent marketing tools that will save you time, and provide you with an even more accurate and adaptive way to create and share content that connects:

Making and sharing blog content

The machine learning aspect to the Atomic Reach platform lies within its ability to forecast when you should share articles, and which aspects of your blog actually matter to your reader, even if your audience’s engagement patterns start to shift.

Breaking it down to it’s components:

  • Insights shows you which audience level gives you the most engagement and how much more you could be getting using predictive analytics.
  • Writer is an intelligent content editor that highlights specific parts of your blog that is achieving your standard for optimal engagement as well as the areas that are not.
  • Scheduler takes out the guesswork of manually scheduling out articles to social, by automatically placing them in the best time for engagement unique to every user based on their social engagement behaviour.

animated gif strongman

Think of the Atomic Reach platform like the strongman game you see at a carnival.

In this case the puck is your topic, the participants are your writers, and the bell is your goal for engagement.

Without using this tool your content could be missing the mark. Not every writer will be able to get that puck to the bell, because each of your writers’ have different styles and skill levels in writing.

To make sure you hear that ding with every article you publish, you’ll want to consistently create high-scoring content even if the conditions change.

As a marketer, Atomic Reach helps you maintain a high level of content that is backed by blog and social media engagement data.

Intelligently-driven email marketing

Ever wonder how an email from your favorite brand knew which products to recommend to you?

Email marketing has continued to be one of the most successful ways to reach and interact with audiences. In many threads, the topic of email marketing increasingly revolves around ensuring that your messages are personalized to each recipient.

Personalization in the form of sending your prospects truly relevant information is’s specialty. Catering specifically to online retailers, uses predictive email marketing to increase click-through rates and repeat business.

From analyzing e-commerce transactions and customer buying behaviour, those in your email list are sent product recommendations at the times that have proven to generate more clicks.

personal email newsletter example for machine learning tools

Just like this J.Crew email that I received, it shows me what items I clicked on when I was last on their site, and other promotions/products I might be interested in. Without these smart systems identifying products I’m interested in, I might be sent products that aren’t relevant to me, like menswear or children’s apparel.

With, email subscribers are sent products they’ll most likely love at the times when they’re more likely to buy thanks to intelligent algorithms.

Finding the perfect content creators for your marketing strategy


Many companies hire content writers to generate content for their blogs. If you’re familiar with the process, then you know that finding top tier writers that work within your budget can be extremely time consuming and challenging.

content writers for machine learning tools

Textio helps you create “optimized job listings”. The method behind their smart word processor focuses on predicting how successful your job listing will be, or if your candidate will want to respond to your request.

Their rating system gives you a percentage of success, which is compared to other related documents. 100% being the highest and most difficult to achieve.

In real-time Textio highlights key phrases and gives you word-to-word recommendations, and the pros and cons of that phrase, which includes tone and gender appeal.

You will be able to better pinpoint and nab candidates that match the team’s personality and work ethic. Textio will save you time writing a job listing that might not attract the right talent, and will help you acquire your new content writer or marketing employee.

All together now

Throughout each step of the content creation and marketing process, machine learning tools help marketers do their job with more efficiency without compromising quality. By adding intelligence to your marketing strategy you will be able to make more effective decisions with less time, stress, and confusion.

With machine learning marketing tools, you will:

  • Find the right writers that will add to your team’s work environment
  • Generate emails your customers will want to click on
  • Create and market the most relevant and engaging content for your audience

From these tools and tips, what new methods will you be implementing into your content marketing plan, and what do you hope to see? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share this article.

Guest Author: Amanda Chiu is the Marketing Coordinator at Atomic Reach, writing posts, sharing news, and connecting with the community on the daily. Her attempts at clearing her ever-growing reading list continues to be unsuccessful, and she really does believe that sharing is caring.

The post How To Dominate Content Marketing With Machine Learning Tools appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

from Jeffbullas's Blog

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