Online Marketing News: Perfect Headlines, Lonely Tweets and Virtual Reality

Tiffani Allen


whatmakesagoodheadline Creating the Perfect Headline [Infographic] 80% of readers never get past the headline, it's important to make it count. So, how do you create the perfect headline? There are a handful of rules, keep it short, be interesting, and use numbers to name a few. This infographic has the formula to make a great headline, and some helpful explanations along the way. Social Media Today 59% Of Content Shared On Twitter Will Never Be Clicked According to a recent study by Columbia University and the French National Institute, 59% of Tweets are never clicked. That's not great news for marketers, especially those who rely on Twitter as an integral part of their marketing strategy. The good news? There are types of content that encourage engagement on Twitter, like using a helpful and interesting headline. To do well, make the most important point of your story be your headline. Search Engine Journal Advertisers Look to Harness Virtual Reality for Marketing Boost With the decreasing cost of virtual reality headsets, virtual reality marketing has been on the rise. Companies that sell based on experience, like travel and automobile brands, are taking advantage of this relatively new technology to help immerse their customers in their brand story. And since the sales of virtual reality headsets are projected at $1 billion this year, it's not surprising that more consumer brands are jumping in. This technology isn't only useful for B2C customers, however. B2B organizations, especially those with a long sales cycle and a complex product, can benefit from the 'show, don't tell' nature of virtual reality. Bloomberg Technology Snapchat opens its ad floodgates to marketers According to PR Daily, "On Monday, the company launched “Snapchat Partners”—an application programming interface (API) that will connect marketers to ad tech developers who can build custom buying and management tools. Marketers can also partner with a vetted creative agency that can produce enticing ads." With the network growing quickly, and advertisers' rising interest, it's worth checking out the potential uses for Snapchat as part of an integrated social marketing strategy. PR Daily inbound and outbound marketing Facebook to Debut Canvas Organic Page Posts June 22 On Wednesday, Facebook debuted organic Canvas page posts. Meaning, when an advertiser creates a Canvas ad, they can opt to share it as an organic post on their brand's page. These full screen ads have some pretty impressive initial statistics, like a combined viewing time of 100 years in 3 months, and an average visit of 31 seconds. SocialTimes Twitter Is Bullish on Periscope as Brands Adapt to Livestreaming's Growing Popularity Despite discussion in the digital community about Twitter backing off on Periscope, the brand has shown a renewed investment after Periscope's recent media attention. According to AdWeek, "the company on Wednesday unveiled 140-second videos to its platform, conceptually mirroring the social platform's 140-character limit for text-based messaging." For marketers, this shows that live streaming is alive and well, so to speak, and certainly worth consideration in terms of digital marketing strategy. AdWeek Instagram Adding Translation Button Instagram announced the addition of a translation button which will roll out in about a month. According to the photo sharing platform, "the Instagram community has grown faster and become more global than we ever imagined." This addition will allow users, and potentially brands, to interact on a global level without the barrier of speaking different languages. SocialTimes What were your top online marketing news this week? I'll be back next week with more online marketing news! Have something to add? Tweet me @Tiffani_Allen or @toprank.

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June 24, 2016 at 06:30AM

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