One Syrian Refugee Picture Shows How the Liberal Media’s Spin Machine Operates

For the last four decades, mainstream media has shifted to become the tip of the spear for the liberal mindset, often called the progressive movement. With few exceptions, there is a preponderance of left-leaning and even far-left ideologies at work in the major news publications that shift thoughts in the United States. We no longer live in a land of free journalism. We live in a land of spin doctoring.

It’s not the clear examples of bias that should concern conservatives. Sites like Slate and Salon are so slanted that they don’t try to hide it anymore. It’s the allegedly unbiased mainstream media that does the real heavy lifting to shift the hearts and minds of the American people towards a leftist agenda. Let’s take a look at this story:

It should have been clear by the fact that this story was propped up ahead of all other perspectives on Google News for an extended period of time that the agenda machine was in full operation. In most cases, a story remains at the top for an hour, two at the most. This story has remained at the top since midday yesterday.

The image they carefully selected to point out the evil Republican governors and their heinous reaction to the Paris terrorist attacks is a ringer. Look at those women. Look at those children! How can anyone believe that terrorists could ever possibly be in this group of refugees?

Syrian Refugee Propaganda

Of course, you have to read the fine print to see that these aren’t refugees in the United States. They’re in Greece. They also don’t mention that they’re not in line to come to America. This is a food line at the reception center where women and children are sent to collect food for the men waiting back at camp. The truth will never be allowed to get in the way of the agenda and NBC wants everyone to believe that these are the poor souls that are being turned away by heartless Republicans.

They could have used one of these images of actual Syrian refugees if they wanted to, but that wouldn’t fit their agenda.

Syrian Refugee Politics

Syrian Refugee Men

Male Syrian Refugees

Syrian Refugee Males

I’ve given up on the concept that Americans will someday wake up to the insane slant that’s put on mainstream media. Instead, my only realistic hope is that enough Americans will see the truth in order to keep a balanced perspective. If that means I have to push hard to the right, so be it.

from Soshable
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