Anti-Trump Group Needs to Stop for the Sake of the Republican Party

Based upon my opinion of Donald Trump, one might believe that I’m in support of a certain Republican organization’s attempt to derail his campaign. I am not. In fact, I’m adamantly against it and the people who conceived of it should be ashamed of themselves.

Trump Card LLC has the goal of discouraging Trump supporters from voting at all in the primaries. This is both misguided and counterproductive. If Trump cannot be beaten by ideology and actions, he shouldn’t be beaten at all. That’s not to say I support Trump’s campaign in any way – far from it. I know with a near certainty that Trump’s nomination will assure a complete and utter victory for the Democratic candidate. The only reason that I can’t be 100% sure has nothing to do with Trump. There’s no way to know whether or not Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders might have some insane skeleton in their closet. We know that Trump has them, but there’s at least a tenth of a percent possibility that the Democrats have something monumental in their own closet. Otherwise, yes, Republican nominee Trump or Independent nominee Trump has a 99.9% chance of giving the White House and the future of the country to the Democrats.

The reason that I’m against what Trump Card LLC is doing is simple. If their tactics prevent Trump from getting the nomination, he is likely going to demonstrate his childishness in full force by running as an independent and destroying the Republican party itself. There was a time when I thought that was his intention and I’m not completely convinced that it’s not, but that’s beside the point. Trump talks about playing fair and he will construe what Trump Card LLC plans to do as unfair. Therefore, their actions will hurt the Republican party and the country as much as Trump would.

Just because I know he could never win in the general election doesn’t mean I don’t agree with some of his perspectives. He might be running a junior high student council campaign, but it’s working in the polls. The conversations he’s bringing to the table are important ones, so for that we should all be grateful. However, he should be defeated because he is revealed as being incapable of winning the general election or running the country through standard techniques such as education and by simply making candidates perform better than he is. That’s the solution. Smear campaigns may work, but that doesn’t mean that the Republican party needs to engage in them. Leave those for the Democrats. It’s our responsibility to stand on the right side of values and that means giving the American people a valid reason to vote for a better candidate.

There is a right way and there are many wrong ways to handle Donald Trump. Rather than focusing on a smear campaign to expose his liberal tendencies or his infantile solutions, true conservatives should appeal to the voice of reason. If we can’t get other Republicans to see things through the proper perspective, then the party itself is in no condition to run the country in the first place.

from Soshable
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