Online Marketing News: Twitter Gets Eventful, Facebook Gets Secretive, Google+ Gets Going

Ben Brausen

Why Are B2B Content Strategies Important

Why Are B2B Content Strategies Important – The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council launched a new study centered on how marketing can more effectively generate qualified sales leads through compelling thought leadership content – a task that has proven to be a struggle for marketers today. Find out more from this great infographic. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council

Survey: 42 Percent of Business Leaders Say Consumers Shame Them on Social – Lithium Technologies, a social customer experience management platform, announced the results of a recent survey performed on its behalf by Harris Poll, finding that brands are increasingly under pressure by consumers to innovate. SocialTimes

Google: Lower CPCs Are Because Of YouTube, Not Mobile Search – For several quarters of declining Google CPCs, financial analysts have speculated and assumed that the migration of usage to mobile and lower bids for mobile clicks were responsible. However on Google’s earnings call today CFO Patrick Pichette sought to dispel that belief. Search Engine Land

Survey: 99 Percent Of Consumers Will Share Personal Info For Rewards, But Want Brands To Ask Permission – Consumers repeatedly say in surveys that they want more personalization — but also more privacy. This is an apparent contradiction. But maybe it’s not. Marketing Land

Study: Men and Women Use Hashtags Differently – In a column for The Atlantic this month, “Why Men Are Retweeted More Than Women,” the journalist Jessica Bennett argues that men and women use hashtags differently. Social Media Today

Study: Forget About Average Organic CTRs, They Mean Nothing – Many marketers try to benchmark their organic search performance against industry average click-through rates (CTRs). This turns out to be a mistake. Search Engine Land

Less Than 1/3 Of The World’s Top CMOs Are Active On Twitter – Of Interbrand’s top 100 global brands, only 31 have CMOs or top-level marketing executives actively participating on the social network. Marketing Land

New Report Highlights Significant Benefits and Challenges of Real-Time Marketing – Real-time marketing is one of the most important trends of the connected era, with various reports underlining it’s growing relevance, particularly in regard to meeting rising consumer expectation. Social Media Today

Google+ Isn’t Dead, Will Continue As “Connection” Platform, Says Google – Google VP Bradley Horowitz says ending the requirement to use Google+ to engage with other Google products will allow the company to make a “slew of improvements” to the core social network. Marketing Land

Twitter Launches Event Targeting – When major events like the World Cup take place, millions of people flock to Twitter to check out the buzz and voice their opinions. Twitter

Facebook Announces Secret Videos For Publishers – Facebook is excited to introduce enhancements to our video upload system and a new Video Library. The enhanced video upload flow gives Page owners customized distribution options for videos on Facebook, while the new Video Library is a simple, centralized place to manage videos. Facebook

Report: 89% Of Marketers Have Problems With Cross-Channel Marketing, Data Linkage Is The Biggest Culprit – A new study shows that data linkage is again the biggest challenge to marketers and their cross-channel marketing efforts. Marketing Land

From our Online Marketing Community:

In response to Why Collecting Customer Information & Listening to Feedback Can Make You a Better Marketer, 40deuce said, “Great advice in here Ashley! I completely agree that your current customers are a great insight into how you can help to gain new customers. Keeping your current customers happy by listening to what they have to say and working with them to be better will not only help you to keep them as a customer, but likely also make you more attractive to new customers. As well, I’m always a firm believer that if you can keep current customers happy that they will be the ones who really help you to bring in new ones.”

Gini Dietrich said, “Amen!”, to Why Content Marketing is Imperative for the Future of Public Relations.

And on What You Need to Know About Playing High Stakes Content Marketing, paulnetke shared, “Hey Ashley, thanks for sharing these great content writing ideas with us. These ideas will really help to boost any content on the web. I live in Sweden and so I always take help of a good content marketing agency in when it comes to content marketing strategy. This blog has helped me a lot and is very interesting. Looking for similar stuff from your side in future as well….”

What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Infographic: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council

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July 31, 2015 at 05:45AM

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