Online Marketing News: Browsers to Buyers, Snapchat’s IPO and Data Studio Connector

Tiffani Allen

How to Convert Mobile Browsers to Buyers [Infographic] Even though mobile is booming -- creating 60% of online traffic -- we're still only seeing 16% of conversions coming from mobile. Conversions from desktop are typically 50% greater than the few mobile conversions we do see. This infographic shows how to improve mobile conversions through data. MarketingProfs 8 Things Marketers Need to Know About Snapchat's IPO Last week, Snapchat filed their IPO, releasing more details about their business than ever before. For example, we now know that Snapchat has 158 million daily users, but growth is slowing and the majority of users are 18-34 years old, with use tapering after 25. Ad Age Data Studio: Search Console Connector Google announced Wednesday: "Search Console users can now build Data Studio reports to understand how their search traffic changes over time, where traffic is coming from, and what search queries are most likely to drive traffic to their sites. Users can also filter reports for mobile traffic to improve mobile targeting, and to analyze clickthrough rates for various organic search terms." Google Facebook Now Makes 84% of Its Advertising Revenue From Mobile Facebook now makes 84% of their ad revenue from Mobile, which is a huge contrast from the 0% they reported in their initial IPO back in 2012. Facebook's YOY revenue in the fourth quarter also grew by 53% -- $8.63 billion -- reporting $26.9 billion in revenue in 2016. AdWeek Google AMP Adds Source Links, Ups Search Google is now allowing publishers to share source links in their AMP service (accelerated mobile pages). Alex Fischer, a Google software engineer recently noted: “This feature allows users to use their browser’s native share functionality by long-tapping on the link that is displayed.” MediaPost 51% Haven’t Felt the Effects of Google’s Mobile Interstitials Penalty [POLL] According to a recent poll from Search Engine Journal, 51% of marketers surveyed hadn't felt the effects of Google's intrusive interstitial penalty -- yet. 6% said they had, and 43% said they weren't sure. These numbers are bound to change shortly as Google conducts a fresh crawl. Search Engine Journal Instagram’s web footprint surpassed Twitter’s in 2016 Last week, we learned that Twitter finally made an Instagram account. This week, we're learning that Instagram's web footprint -- the number of site's featuring Instagram's posts or widgets -- has surpassed Twitter. Instagram's footprint expanded by 308% in 2016, compared to Twitter's 36%. Marketing Land Facebook Makes Several Silent Changes To Its Ads Manager You may not have noticed, as Facebook hasn't officially announced the changes, but they've made several quiet, rather large changes to their advertising platform. For example, they've tweaked their campaign objectives, allowed the use of animated GIFs in video ads, and allowed for date comparison. We are Social Media What were your top online marketing news stories this week? We will return next week with more online marketing news! If you have something to share or add, Tweet us at @toprank or leave a comment.

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February 10, 2017 at 07:14AM

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