Is This the Right Time to Get Off LinkedIn?

"We need to shed a few social pounds and stop trying to add more social media networks to our repertoire. Instead, let's get better where we already exist. weight checkSocial media isn't about how many places you can be. It's about being amazing where you are."
--Scott Stratten, "The Book of Business Awesome"

I agree with Scott, but I prefer to put it this way:

If you don't have a strategy and purpose for being on LinkedIn, shut your account down. Save the time, hassle, and possible embarrassment. It's potentially embarrassing because a lackluster profile and little or no activity makes it pretty clear you either don't know what you're doing or have no specific reason for being on LinkedIn.

Is LinkedIn worth the time and effort?

Your answers to these ten questions should help you decide whether it's worth spending your time on LinkedIn or if this is a place where you can shed a few social pounds.

1. Have you used LinkedIn to begin a new relationship with someone that's led to good things?

2. Do you look forward to jumping on the site?

3. Have you updated your profile in the past year or so?

4. Do you speak fondly of your LinkedIn experience when asked by others?

5. Do you look forward to hearing people talk about their LinkedIn success?

6. Have people in your company or industry been sharing LinkedIn success stories?

7. Have you logged onto your LinkedIn account in the last week?

8. Does your profile clearly state your business purpose for being on LinkedIn?

9. Have you recently invited someone to join your network?

10. Rather than grumble and complain when LinkedIn makes changes to the site, do you look for new ways to use LinkedIn to advance your business or career?

If you found yourself answering "No" to most of these questions, maybe it's time to reevaluate your reasons for being on LinkedIn and either become amazing, as Scott suggested in his book, or close your account and spend your time more productively.

Believe me, I am the last person who wants you to exit the LinkedIn door, because if everyone jumps ship, who would read my Sunday afternoon emails?

But time is precious, and I think you might be able to find a more enjoyable and productive way to brand and market yourself and your business as well as do research or communicate and network with others.

However, if you're ready to develop a strategy for becoming amazing and making 2017 your best year ever, pick up a copy of the new edition of my bookattend one of my upcoming LinkedIn training classes, enroll your company in my next LinkedIn & Inbound Marketing Sales Acceleration Playbook event, or set up a one-on-one consulting call with me.

The post Is This the Right Time to Get Off LinkedIn? appeared first on Wayne Breitbarth.

from Wayne Breitbarth

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