7 Infographics That Will Help You Be A Better Entrepreneur in 2017

7 Infographics That Will Help You Be A Better Entrepreneur in 2017

To find success on the internet, you need to possess the skills of dedication, passion and a never-ending desire to succeed.

Without these skills and traits, you will simply fall to the wayside and get lost in the mix of one-billion-plus websites and blogs.

After all… how can you possibly compete when there is a whole world of competition out there against you?

Great news! It’s all perfectly possible when you build a plan for success, pinpoint your audience, how you are going to cater to them, and also have a monetization method in place that works.

No, it’s not going to be easy – if it was, everyone would be doing it. For every success story you see online, there are hundreds of failures you never hear about.

To help you become the superstar blogger, internet marketer or entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be, I’ve hand selected seven awesome infographics to provide you with the necessary tools, research, and motivation to keep you and your business moving ahead.

A look at the world of blogging today

Of the many different ways to get started with a business or content based site of your own, blogging is definitely the easiest. Thanks to the power of WordPress, anyone can go live with a site of their own in just minutes, while also costing just a few dollars per month. Grab a domain name, set up hosting and create something amazing!

These are the core basics of blogging, but if we were to stop there then we wouldn’t be doing the world of blogging justice. The internet of the mid-90s and early 2,000s was very static and mostly a one-way conversion, now it’s all about engagement.

Through the blogging stats 2016 infographic below we can take a look at how blogging has changed the way people, businesses, and brands use and create content on the internet today.

be a better entrepreneur

Where email is headed in 2017

Just like how blogging has helped restructure the face of the internet, and how it’s viewed and used today, email has done exactly the same thing. However, just because you are using email within your brand or business, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are doing it correctly.

To best understand the power of email marketing, we must look at the different ways it’s being used by other brands and marketers in the world today. At the same time, we should also see some visual numbers on just how effective email marketing and its reach can be.

All of this and more can be seen in this email marketing stats infographic below.

How and Where Email is Headed in 2017 for be a better entrepreneur

The future is mobile… Where will your content be?

We’ve covered the importance of blogging and email marketing in the world today, but something many people are still behind the curve on is mobile. Not just mobile marketing, but also mobile usage, how it will effect the future of internet browsing and more importantly, how your audience is accessing your site through different mobile/desktop/tablet devices.

What many site owners and brand marketers would be surprised to know is that mobile usage now accounts for more than half of all internet viewing. This means more of your audience is likely accessing your site through a mobile device or tablet versus a desktop computer or laptop.

While this might not seem like a big deal… it definitely is.

Some points of interest to consider with such changes in the industry are;

  • Is your website responsive and how does it look when being viewed on different devices?
  • Is it easy for someone to complete a form or order something through your mobile website?
  • Have you considered your options with mobile marketing or creating a mobile app of your own?

These are all extremely important questions to ask when looking at the future of mobile – all of which are covered in detail through the rise of mobile usage infographic below.

The Future is Mobile Will Your Content Be for be a better entrepreneur

Viewing all of your monetization options

At the core of online marketing and making money with a website or blog, you might only be considering a few options for monetization within your business. The most common methods are affiliate marketing, Google AdSense, direct advertising, paid reviews, contextual ads and maybe a few other options.

However, there are actually hundreds (if not thousands) of different ways to make money online. This is important to realize simply because you might be trying to make money with one method, but could be doing so much better with another. This also doesn’t just apply to website monetization or marketing, it actually covers a whole new world of money making opportunities.

Through the 200 ways to make money online infographic below, you will get a glimpse of how you can start making money with online surveys, starting a freelance business, creating products and selling through online e-tailers, investing and lending programs, domain flipping and much more.

No matter how you are attempting to make money online, it’s all a learning process and definitely makes you a much better marketer and entrepreneur in the process.

Viewing All of Your Monetization Options for be a better entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs who failed time and time again

Anyone who thinks online marketing, entrepreneurship or running a business is easy, definitely isn’t already an entrepreneur or business owner. One of the most frustrating and challenging aspects of running your own business is putting in the time, work and effort to make sure it’s always progressing and not falling behind.

At the same time, it would be a complete understatement to think any form of success is easy. If you were to look at Steven Spielberg, Tim Ferriss, Richard Branson, Thomas Edison or any of the successful entrepreneurs or people in the world today, and had the opportunity to learn about what it took for them to find success, you would quickly realize there is no such thing as an “overnight success”.

That’s exactly what you will discover through the how many times should you try infographic below. This is a perfect motivational piece for anyone who ever considered giving up simply because they didn’t find success the first (second, third or millionth) time around.

Entrepreneurs Who Failed Time and Time Again for be a better entrepreneur

Take a moment to relax and give your mind a rest

It takes many different traits and skills to be a successful businessman or entrepreneur. You need to have the necessary skill set, dedication and drive to keep everything moving forward, while also being a leader and having an eye for opportunity. At the same time, you also need to know when to step back and simply take a break.

As entrepreneurs and owners of our own businesses, it’s easy to find ourselves working endlessly on our work and spending way too long behind the computer. Not only can this be bad for your eyes, back and health… it can be a killer on your motivation and productivity as well.

A great way to stop, relax and take a breather from everything is to spend a few minutes coloring. Yes, I said coloring. The benefits of coloring are vast – which are laid out through the coloring pages infographic below – but more importantly, it’s a way to bring a sense of relaxation and mindfulness to your busy everyday life.

Once you let your mind relax and take a breather from the many stressors of your day, that’s when your productivity and creativity is in full swing – which is exactly what every entrepreneur and business owner needs to have.

Take a Moment to Relax and Give Your Mind a Rest for be a better entrepreneur

Travel the world and become a better marketer

The ultimate goal for many would-be entrepreneurs and business owners, is to spend their lives traveling the world. While this is a goal of many, only a small fraction will actually make this happen – and it’s more about personal preference and taking action than anything else. You don’t need to be a multi-millionaire to travel the world, you just need to have the right resources, know where to stay and manage your time and funds effectively.

However, should you work a ‘laptop lifestyle’, this may actually be quite easy… as you can continue to work 24/7, no matter where you are.

In this travel the world infographic, you’ll discover six different ways traveling can make you a better entrepreneur or marketer – including helping you be more resilient, improving your communication skills, becoming more economical, learning about different ways business is done around the world, improving your creativity, and also how to become a better leader in the process.

Best of all, they even have an infographic video to go along with it. If traveling the world isn’t a perfect lesson in self-improvement and business… I don’t know what is!

Travel the World and Become a Better Marketer for be a better entrepreneur

Being the best entrepreneur you can be!

There you have it, seven awesome marketing and entrepreneur infographics to get you inspired, motivated and ready to go to make 2017 your best year ever!

On top of everything else we discussed, always take advantage of the opportunities you have in front of you today. It’s easy to get lost in the mix of everyday life, but in the world of entrepreneurship and online business, you are fighting to stand out against a whole world of competition.

Take the resources you have in front of you, and put them to work as soon as possible!

Guest Author: Zac Johnson is a world renowned blogger and entrepreneur with nearly 20 years of experience in the online marketing space and has helped his readers generate millions of dollars online. He shares his story and guidance at ZacJohnson.com

The post 7 Infographics That Will Help You Be A Better Entrepreneur in 2017 appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

from Jeffbullas's Blog http://ift.tt/2jPBG33

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