Drive More Traffic From Your Facebook Page, Social Media No-Nos and More: The Social Scoop 12/16/16

Wow, what a week forLIVE video broadcasting!

Facebook introduced Live 360 with a debut broadcast by National Geographic from the Mars simulator in the Utah desert. I must say, I watched the whole thing and loved it. Host, Cara Santa Maria, did a fabulous job.

Twitter unveiled the ability to broadcast live seamlessly, right from the native app. Previously, you had to change apps and switch over to Periscope. I tend to prefer Facebook Live and haven’t done much with Periscope… yet, TBH. But this week, I did a couple broadcasts as it’s super easy now on Twitter. It sure brings your tweets to life!

And, Instagram started rolling out Live video in Stories to all users globally. I rather like this feature for top-of-mind awareness for marketers. But, I’m not so keen on the fact these Stories just disappear! Instagram states, “live story disappears from the app so you can feel more comfortable sharing anything, anytime.” Hmm.

I lead three Facebook Live desktop broadcastson my Page this week:

  1. How To Create Professional Video Content in Minutes… for Free! Live training on the new video clips tool inside Adobe Spark Video – free app for desktop and iOS. (If you had RSVP’d for the advance notice of this scheduled Live, here’s an explanation of a wee hiccup I experienced with the schedule feature, and how you can learn from it!)
  2. Facebook Live Video Tips from the Trenches, including insider tips for how to make scheduled Facebook Live video broadcasts work (and what not to do, ha!). Plus enter to win a Mari Smith complete mobile video kit by iOgrapher!
  3. How To Create Fun, Professional Holiday Videos with Animoto. Gorgeous templates for personal and business. There’s still time to save 20%! Just enter the code ‘maricheer.’ New subscribers for Professional or Business plans only. Valid through 12.31.16.

By the way, ~Contact.FirstName~ – I used the cool BlueJeans Network ‘onSocial’ platform to broadcast Facebook Live from my desktop and host guests. The platform can hold up to 25 live camera feeds, with 9 on display at any time. Plus, share desktop, slides, etc. Get a 14 day free trial here.

This Week’s Top 3 Articles

1. Actual Ways to Drive More Traffic From Your Facebook Page via

If you’re not happy with your Facebook Page performance, specifically in terms of getting visits to your site, for sure check out the ideas in this post. For example, small changes like customizing your link previews will make your posts more eye-catching and also more likely to get clicks. Along with better understanding the algorithms and boosting posts.

2.9 Big Small Business Social Media No-Nos  via

These are all so important! Did you set up a page and then never publish anything, or do you only post sales and promotions? Make sure you aren’t committing these social media faux pas—you could be turning off potential customers without even knowing it.

3. 7 Marketing Tactics to Help Grow Your Business via

Now that you’re aware of what not to do, this article has great reminders of what you can to do to grow your business. Telling your story, being authentic and creating great content are all things to remember as you plan for next year.

Save 20%! Special ‘MARICHEER’ Offer

Animoto is a great tool for creating professional videos to share on Facebook and other social channels. You can save 20% off a Professional or Business plan by entering the code ‘maricheer.’ New subscribers only. Valid through 12.31.16.

Wowee, that’s all for this week’s issue of The Social Scoop. Have an awesome weekend and week ahead. I hope you and your family are getting ready for a lovely Holiday Season. Stay warm, stay happy!

View and share the web version of today’s newsletter on my blog. 🙂







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