21 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Tools to Increase Your ROI

Kevin Cotch


Today’s savvy marketers have moved beyond just collecting website analytics, and are instead focusing on how to inspire customers to take action based on their digital marketing. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is essential for any marketer and proper CRO is how you will make your marketing as actionable as possible for your customers. No matter what your role is within your marketing department, it is important to understand the key Conversion Rate Optimization tactics to improve your ROI and to grow your business. If fact, only 22% of companies are satisfied with their conversion rates according to Econsultancy.

Improving your conversion rate is a never ending battle that requires testing and optimization. To make your conversion rate optimization efforts easier, we have selected 21 tools to get a better ROI on your website. 14 of the tools are either free or have a free version to get you started on optimizing for conversion rate.

CRO Testing Tools

Five Second Test

Five Second Test

The five second test is a free tool that allows you to post a screencap of your website and test what users think your site is about within five seconds. The tool can be helpful to make sure your messaging is clear to your target audience.

Cost: free


Unbounce’s Dejargonator


Unbounce recently released a Chrome extension that calls out “marketing speak” that make landing pages less persuasive. The extension is free and can really help with creating targeted messaging without using overused buzzwords.

Cost: free


Readability Score

Readability Score

The readability score website states how difficult your content is to read. The tool can provide insight to if your content is too difficult to understand for your target audience.

Cost: free


Golden Ratio Typography Calculator

Typography Calculator

The Golden Ratio Typography Calculator is excellent for finding the ideal font size and width. The tool calls out how to optimize your typography based on font size, line-height, width, and characters per line.

Cost: free


CRO Analytics

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

If your site uses Google Tag Manager, you can create Google Analytics events for scroll tracking, click tracking, form abandonment, and other conversion metrics. Setting up the metrics as events allows you to create goals based off of whatever conversion metric you want in Google Analytics.

Cost: free


Google Analytics – Experiments

Google Experiments

Google Analytics already provides insight on conversion metrics that you can use for conversion rate optimization. You can also run content experiments within Google Analytics to find the best converting version of your pages.

Cost: free




Kissmetrics shows how each visitor behaves and makes decision on your website. The analytics platform focuses on tracking users rather than pageviews to better understand the customer journey through the funnel.

Cost: $120 per month


Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg

Crazy Egg is a platform that tracks scroll and click tracking on webpages to better understand customer interactions. Crazy Egg does a great job tracking a heatmap of where people clicked on your website.

Cost: $9 per month for Basic package




Hotjar is a conversion rate optimization platform that utilizes visitor recordings, heatmaps, form analytics, polls as part , and other features as part of their all-in-one suite.

Cost: free for the “Basic” package


Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange

Lucky Orange is a conversion rate optimization platform that records visitors on your website to show potential reasons why they didn’t convert. Lucky Orange offers recordings, heatmaps, chat, conversion funnels, form analytics, and polls as part of their suite. Lucky Orange provides a lot of value for the price.

Cost: $10 per month for the “Starter” package


Peek User Testing

Peek User Testing

Peek is a free user experience testing tool that was created by User Testing. The free tool provides a 5-minute video of a real person using your site or mobile app. Having a real person test your site can be highly beneficial when understanding potential usability problems that you may not recognize.

Cost: free

A/B testing/Landing Pages

Visual Website Optimizer – Test Duration Calculator

Test Duration

The Test Duration Calculator helps you decide how long you should run an A/B split and/or multivariate test. The calculator can definitely lead to efficient testing ranges that still provide enough actionable data.

Cost: free




Optimizely is an enterprise platform to conduct A/B tests for websites and mobile apps. Optimizely provides multiple features to create high-performing experiences for your website visitors.

Cost: $999 per month for the “Standard” package



Unbounce Tool

Unbounce is a tool that makes it easy for anyone to build quality landing pages. ALong with building the landing pages, Unbounce makes it easy to conduct A/B tests to optimize for conversion rate.

Cost: $49 per month for the “Starter” package

CRO Surveys/Research



Qerz, a Qualaroo alternative, is a survey tool that you can add to your website to ask questions to your visitors. Qerz helps you understand who your audience is and what challenges they may be up against.

Cost: $15 per month for the “Starter” package



Survey Monkey

SurveyMonkey is a free online survey software that can help improve customer satisfaction, engagement, or market research. Create your own surveys to send to different audiences to gain more insight and data.

Cost: free (along with other paid packages)


Data Brain/Maxymizely  


Databrain (now Maxymizely) is a user experience tool that includes A/B split testing, traffic quality ratings, crash analytics, and CRO tools. This CRO tool is beneficial for analyzing the traffic quality of your website, but provide other features that can help increase your ROI.

Cost: free depending on amount of active users

Page Rendering



BrowserStack is a cross-browser compatibility tool that enables you to test your websites across various browsers and devices. BrowserStack helps you view how your website appears on any device with a browser to make sure it renders correctly.

Cost: $29 per month


Google Mobile-Friendly test

Google Mobile Friendly Test

The Google Mobile-Friendly test is a free tool that analyzes if you webpage is mobile friendly or not. Although the tool is free, it only checks pages individually and not the overall site.

Cost: free

Site Speed

Pingdom Website Speed Test


Pingdom website speed test is a tool to analyze the page speed for your website. The tool provides a score out of 100 and also outlines next steps to take to increase the page speed.

Cost: free




WebPageTest is another page speed testing tool for your website. Much like the Pingdom website speed test tool, WebPageTest shows what areas to optimize to increase page speed.

Cost: free

Get Started on Optimizing Your Conversion Rate Today

Hopefully, these 21 tools will help you increase your conversions. There is an opportunity for all of us marketers to make sure our companies are satisfied with the conversion rate metrics. There are many more conversion rate optimization tools being used, but this list above should provide enough insights to get you started.  Which tools have you found to be most helpful for your CRO?

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July 14, 2016 at 06:30AM

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