The Full Monty — June 20, 2016

The Full Monty exposes you to the business intelligence that matters at the top of every week. Please sign up for our email updates to make sure you don't miss a thing. And please share this with your colleagues if you find it valuable.

The good stuff from Apple's WWDC; net neutrality wins; projections for ad market sizes in 2020; Cannes Lions is on and all we got were these emoji clouds; more analysis on the Microsoft-LinkedIn deal; Facebook predicts a world of only videos; Twitter may be the next social acquisition; Snapchat updates is ad offerings to be more flexible, and the olds are arriving; Yahoo's stumbler; Uber is profitable - yet it still needs risky loans; self-driving vehicles abound; Airbnb faces trouble in NY; Comcast invests in VR studio; podcasting and advertising are a perfect match; metrics your CEO wants; connecting online to offline behavior; likes, decision-making and assuming the best; plus the chart of the week, our trivia challenge, podcast pick, a new limerick and more.

Virtually everything you need in business intelligence. If you’re on Flipboard, you can get these links — and additional ones — by subscribing to The Full Monty Magazine at

If you're around at 9:30 pm ET on Sunday evenings, you can get a preview of a couple of topics from the week's via the live video on Facebook. If not, you can always catch the replay here.

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  • Microsoft/LinkedIn
    • We managed to catch the announcement of Micrsosoft's acquisition of LinkedIn just in time for last week's editon; this week, we share some of the commentary that sprung from the announcement.
    • The full text of Satya Nadella's email to Microsoft employees gives a hint at what might be in store as he notes bringing together "a professional’s information in LinkedIn’s public network with the information in Office 365 and Dynamics."
    • Consider the enterprise software market effectively disrupted, says Altimeter analyst Charlene Li, in which she says that the deep integration of LinkedIn's social graph into Microsoft's products will dwarf the competition. Of course, we've seen Microsoft's other awkward forays into social.
    • Two separate articles look at 6 things and 9 things you Microsoft could do with LinkedIn. The most appealing seem to be a super-CRM system that could compete with Salesforce. The least appealing: making experts available inside Word. If you think Clippy was bad...

  • Twitter/Periscope/Vine

Trivia question: What development did Domino's make that might result in the laziest generation yet?*

Collaborative / Autonomous Economy 

    • Lodging
      • Airbnb secured itself $1 billion debt facility to help fund new services and growth initiatives. It's going to need it, because...
      • New York's state senate has passed a bill outlawing short term rentals like Airbnb. On one side, Airbnb said, "this is a bad proposal that will make it harder for thousands of New Yorkers to pay the bills," while on the other side, one of the bill sponsors, in a fit of optimism (and naivety about Manhattanites), said, "You should know who your neighbor is." In the words of my friend Augie Ray, "Maybe if Silicon Valley would listen to the concerns of those worried about the impact of Airbnb on housing availability and rents (or Uber on safety and driver equity), these collaborative companies could, you know, actually collaborate to find equitable solutions."

    Virtual Reality / Audio

    Sponsor — Content Marketing World

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    Content / Customer Experience / Influencer Marketing

    Privacy / Security / Legal

    Measurement / Metrics / Data 

    Zignal Labs Chart of the Week

    As you may have heard, it's time for the Cannes Lions — you know, the awards show the ad industry throws for itself. On the heels of the Apple emoji announcements and Twitter's ability to target ads with emoji, our friends at Zignal Labs have been tracking emoji, and they created an emoji cloud for Cannes trending items:

    If you're keeping track, here are the top 25 emoji — which seem to indicate that people have flown from around the world to double-high five and fist-bump each other, drink, party on yachts, hook up, enjoy the sun, applaud themselves, and take home trophies.

    * Answer to the trivia question above: 

    When You Have the Time: Essential Watching / Listening / Reading 

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