The Full Monty — June 13, 2016

The Full Monty is the publication that exposes you to the business intelligence that matters at the top of every week. Please sign up for our email updates to make sure you don't miss a thing. And please share this with your colleagues if you find it valuable.

This week's edition arrives four hours late, courtesy of NoGo Inflight. The ad industry has an ethics problem; Satya Nadella would like to add Jeff Weiner to his network; Facebook bets on video and VR; Snapchat wants more marketers; Gawker files for bankruptcy; time spent on social apps drops worldwide; omnichannel integration is difficult; Uber plans prescheduled rides; where autonomous vehicles meet ride-hailing; customer service-led bot creation; the future of podcasting; podcasts rule for digital ad consumption; privacy erodes even further; how to talk to anyone; plus the chart of the week, our trivia challenge, podcast pick, and more.

Virtually everything you need in business intelligence. If you’re on Flipboard, you can get these links — and additional ones — by subscribing to The Full Monty Magazine at

If you're around at 9:30 pm ET on Sunday evenings, you can get a preview of a couple of topics from the week's via the live video on Facebook. If not, you can always catch the replay here. [Note: last night's video was cancelled, due to the aftermath of the horrific events in Orlando.]


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  • LinkedIn
    • BREAKING: Microsoft plans to buy LinkedIn for $26 billion. Jeff Weiner will remain on as CEO, reporting to Satya Nadella. No word if the acquisition overture was made to Weiner with a generic message from Nadella that read "Hi. I'd like to add you to my network."
    • Benefits we see are in the combination of Microsoft's cloud capabilities and LinkedIn's solid network and growing base of content.
  • Facebook
    • It was a very visual week at Facebook. Many of the updates below indicate a continued strategic push toward video and visuals, as Facebook deals with Snapchat as a growing competitive threat.
    • You can now leave a video comment on Facebook posts. Facebook is clearly upping its commitment to video communication. This will likely grease the skids to get people creating more live video as well.
    • Facebook has made 360-degree photos a reality for everyone. You needn't own an expensive camera; this will work with panoramic shots taken with your smartphone as well. Like video comments are a gateway to live video adoption, 360 degree photos are a gateway to virtual reality adoption.
    • As of July 7, Facebook will delete users' photos that were added via its photo syncing system. The strategy is to force users to download Moments, another Facebook app, of course. Moments is now at the top of the App Store list of popular apps. A testament to the power of Facebook's scale. And their ability to bend the will of users to use the apps Facebook wants them to use.
    • Facebook is testing a new function that allows users to post to their feed, but not to their permanent Timeline. This makes content more ephemeral, a la Snapchat. But good luck trying to find that post that a friend shared yesterday.
    • Twitch is also in Facebook's crosshairs: in a deal with Blizzard, we find that Facebook is making live streaming of gaming a thing. Again, it's a 'mainstreamification' of live video.
    • The BBC have been using Facebook Live video for six months. Here's what they've learned. Or is that leanrt?
  • Snapchat
    • Snapchat is expected to grow 27%, according to eMarketer's report on mobile messaing apps. Nearly one in five Americans will use it this year. Only one in 20 will understand it.
    • It's a pitched battle for marketers, as Snapchat wants to prove that its ads are the best in mobile — even better than TV. Moat, a 6-year-old analytics firm, will now track the success of video ads on the mobile storytelling app and provide several third-party data points, including viewability, length of time ads are viewed, whether the sound is on, and other motion aspects. Snapchat has also partnered with Google DoubleClick, which allows advertisers to track video views, unique reach and frequency from an analytics dashboard.
    • Here's an excerpt from the ebook Snapchat for Jounalists: Snapchat Stories: how to share, store and measure.

Trivia question: Over 38,400 people have this skill listed on their LinkedIn accounts.*

Collaborative / Autonomous Economy 

    • AI/Bots
      • AI for customer service is the focus on Helpshift, which raised $23 million to focus on automating customer support. This function could significant help scale service and create financial and resource efficiencies for large entities
      • I mentioned Pana last week. I've only begun experimenting with this virtual travel assistant, and it's already been an amazing experience. If you'd like to get started, I have an invitation code that will give you a $20 credit: 62YBAJ

    Virtual Reality / Audio

    Content / Customer Experience / Influencer Marketing

    Privacy / Security / Legal

    Measurement / Metrics / Data 

    Zignal Labs Chart of the Week

    It was an extraordinary week in politics. The one issue that seemed to break the Internet was when President Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton for the Democratic party, and Donald Trump naturally had to get his grade school taunt in. The response from Hillary (or her digital manager) managed to capture the spirit of an Internet meme as she simply replied with "Delete your account."

    The result was an explosion of likes and RTs, pushing mentions of Hillary Clinton past Donald Trump for the first time in the election cycle. Watch it play out, courtesy of Zignal Labs:

    * Answer to the trivia question above: 

    • Believe it or not, LinkedIn allows you to list "trivia" as a skill. If you play along here regularly, get over to your LinkedIn profile and join some 38,400 other people!

    When You Have the Time: Essential Watching / Listening / Reading 

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    I speak to groups and advise brands and agencies to help them embrace the fundamentals of human communication in the digital age. You can join these other top-notch clients by reaching out if you'd like to put my experience and digital smarts to work on a project, to consult with your group, or to address an audience at your next corporate or industry event.

    Image credit: Blue Diamond Gallery via a Creative Commons 3 license - CC BY-SA 3.0


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