How I Grew My Facebook Page by 15% in One Week

You've seen shortcuts galore all around the Internet that promise the miraculous:
Grow your followers/fans!
Get more engagement!
Use this simple trick!

Newsflash: there are no shortcuts. These things take time.

But I stumbled onto a surprisingly effective and low-tech way of getting more likes on my company's Facebook Page.

I simply asked.

And what do you know? My friends were more than happy to comply. In doing so, I saw my Facebook Page grow by 15 percent in just seven days.

A Bit of Background

I launched Scott Monty Strategies over a year ago and relied mostly on my own personal profiles to share content, make announcements, etc. But I neglected my Facebook Page. What's more, once I did formalize my Page, I was fairly quiet about it. I share a link to my weekly newsletter there every week, but I didn't make any effort to activate my network to like my Page.

Now, I'm typically hesitant about asking for things. I just don't like to put people in a position where they feel they owe me something. In doing so, I missed out on a few things.

First, we all know that there's only so far that organic reach will take you as a business on Facebook. However, having a Page allows you to use Facebook's advertising options, which are many. And while it's fairly easy to gain traction with a modest budget, having additional people like your means that your advertising dollars might not have to work quite so hard. But I personally don't subscribe to the practice of paying for people to like my Page; I'd much rather they find the content of use and like the Page if it suits them.

Also, there is more functionality to Live video on Pages than there is on Profiles. As you may know, I host a Live video every Sunday evening at 9:30 pm ET (called #SundaysWithScott). It's a preview of a couple of items from The Full Monty newsletter, with some in depth commentary, interaction and trivia. In the months ahead, I'll be switching my Live videos over to the Scott Monty Strategies Faceobok Page, in an effort to activate some of the more sophisticated elements that are offered there.

Of course the challenge is that I can't simply transfer my 50,000 or so followers on my Profile over to my Page. So I have to build it out the old fashioned way.

Anyway, this is a long-winded way of sharing my story and asking you, will you give my Facebook Page a like?

Image credit: Pixabay


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