The Full Monty — May 16, 2016

The Full Monty is the publication that exposes you to the business intelligence that matters at the top of every week. Please sign up for our email updates to make sure you don't miss a thing. And please share this with your colleagues if you find it valuable.

This week: Facebook's algorithm is trending human; social ad revenue to double in five years; media companies are pitching creative solutions, not just ads at the New Fronts; using game theory to become a better parent; the 10 most disappointing brands; digital natives want you to shut up; Facebook Live video doesn't have to be live; Twitter is cutting off access to spy agencies; YouTube is getting a messaging feature in its mobile app; Snapchat's CEO doesn't operate in the information business; Apple's entry into ride-sharing pairs with its autonomous vehicle effort; the next wave of AI assistants is here; long-form content is welcome; free copyright advice; is PR ready for big data?: our weekly trivia challenge, podcast pick, an event offer and more. 

Virtually everything you need in business intelligence. If you’re on Flipboard, you can get these links — and additional ones — by subscribing to The Full Monty Magazine at

If you're around at 9:30 pm ET on Sunday evenings, you can get a preview of a couple of topics from the week's via the live video on Facebook. If not, you can always catch the replay here:


  • And while we have your attention, brand managers: digital natives are tired of brands shouting at them. In other news, it's a day that ends in the letter 'Y.'
  • "So, dear marketers, welcome to the new world of branding. A world in which Culture — enabled by the bit stream, all its interconnected access points, social media and big data — has become the crucible of an ever-evolving, dynamic, real-time, iterative shaping of a brand’s narrative in collaboration with its publics. Culture is the new media and earned impressions are the new metric of success." Branding as we know it is over.
  • If famous brands were owned by hipsters, their logos would be much different. Wait —  Twitter's CEO isn't a hipster?

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  • Yahoo
    • Warren Buffet is backing Dan Gilbert's bid to purchase Yahoo.
    • Tumblr is launching Labs so users can test experimental features. These include: Themed Posts that change the color of a post to the color of its Tumblr; Reblog Graphs that add a button on posts that shows you where they’ve been and their source; Queue+ for fine-grained scheduling options for your queue; and Inside Tumblrs that are helpful for group blogs. Tumblr is still a thing?

Trivia question: Who is John Miller? *

Collaborative / Autonomous Economy 

    • Autonomous Vehicles
      • Ford says self-driving cars are just five years away from changing the world. Good interview with some important practical and real-world considerations discussed, but still with an aggressive timeframe attached.
    • AI/Bots
      • Viv, the next AI assistant, is here. The goal was to create a better version of Siri, one that connected to a multitude of services, instead of routinely shuffling queries off to a basic web search. The critical distinction here is between broad horizontal AI and specialized vertical AI.
      • Ozlo is another AI chatbot - one that wants to help you find something to eat. Companies are experimenting with chatbots as they struggle to reach their customers on mobile devices. Eighty-four percent of our time in non-native apps is spent in just five apps, according to Forrester.
      • Facebook has more than 10,000 developers lined up to create chatbots.
      • Google has an answer to the Amazon Echo: it's called Chirp



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    Content / Customer Experience

    • Pew Research found that long-form content still has a place in an attention-starved world. Total engaged time with articles 1,000 words or longer averages about twice that of the engaged time with short-form stories: 123 seconds compared with 57. Engaged time varies significantly depending on how the reader got to the article, whether it is midday or evening, and even what topic the article covers, according to the study. And longer content gets shared more.
    • You'll want these five content marketing tools to help scale small teams.

    Privacy / Security / Legal

    Measurement / Metrics / Data 

    • Adding buzz analytics to more traditional quantitative and survey-based tools can help guide product tactics and strategyAs with any analytics, it's the insights that you extract from the analytics that makes a difference.
    • SHIFT Communications created the Shared Content and Link Evaluation (SCALE) report, an advanced tool to find relationships between a client’s content spreading on social media and the same content’s SEO value. But is PR ready for big data?
    • Visual analytics and communications can tell a story fairly succinctly if done well. Case in point: the introduction of Viagra had an immediate impact on drug pricesYou're sure to get a rise out of this.

    * Answer to the trivia question above: 

    When You Have the Time: Essential Watching / Listening / Reading 

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    I speak to groups and advise brands and agencies to help them embrace the fundamentals of human communication in the digital age. Please get in touch if you'd like to put my experience and digital smarts to work on a project, to consult with your group, or to address an audience at your next corporate or industry event.

    Image credit: Frinkiac


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