Technical SEO for Bloggers: 6 Changes to Drive More Traffic

Technical SEO for Bloggers: 6 Changes to Drive More Traffic

No matter how much traffic your blog already attracts, you want more – who doesn’t?

And there’s no better, faster and cheaper traffic source than Google.

But you already know that.

What you might not know, however, is why your blog, despite having visibly better content, ranks below many of your competitors in search results.

There can be many reasons for this.

You might not have enough quality backlinks, your on-page SEO might be weak, or there might just be too much competition for your target keywords.

One ranking factor, however, that bloggers rarely talk about is technical SEO, and it might well be the reason for your low search traffic.

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO, in simple terms, relates to everything that impacts the performance of your blog and its relationship with search engine spiders. A blog with a strong technical SEO foundation not only makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index its content, but also provides a significantly better user experience to its visitors.

Over the last 2-3 years, website performance and user experience have become key factors in Google’s search engine ranking algorithms.

So even if you have strong on-page and off-page SEO, you can’t rank well in search results without having a strong technical SEO foundation.

Here’s how you can build one.

1. Host your blog on reliable and secure servers

The quality of your website’s hosting service is one thing you should never compromise on. It’s the engine that drives everything on your blog. It needs to be reliable, secure and up to the latest performance standards.

Why? Because if your blog is hosted on insecure or poorly managed servers, every other performance measure will become ineffective.

I made that mistake last year and suffered badly. Not only was my website hacked because of a poor hosting service, but I also lost all my data since they did not have any auto-recovery systems in place.

Google keeps an eye on these things.

If your hosting servers go down frequently, and for long periods, your rankings will suffer. And in case your site is hacked or gets affected by malware, you’ll be quickly blacklisted and removed from all search results.

So make sure you invest in a reliable web hosting service. is hosted on BlueHost, a service that Jeff, and hundreds of other successful bloggers, recommend because of its reliability and high performance standards.

2. Optimize your blog’s TTFB and content load speed

One of Google’s core values is to provide a simple and easy user experience to its searchers. Which is why it comes down hard on slow and poorly optimized websites, even if they have great content.

In 2010, Google officially declared page load speed as a ranking factor, and penalized websites that did not comply with it.

According to Moz, Google specifically calculates a website’s Time To First Byte (TTFB). This is the average time it takes to load the first byte of your website data.

You can evaluate your blog’s TTFB by using Google’s Page Speed Tool.

google page speed tool for technical SEO

Here are a few ways you can improve your blog’s load speed.

  • Use a content delivery network (CDN) to boost your site’s performance.
  • Optimize images and visual content on your blog using free image compression WordPress plugins like it
  • Only use essential WordPress plugins and remove any unnecessary files from your servers.

3. Use a responsive blog theme

Is your blog mobile friendly?

If not, you’re potentially missing out on thousands of visitors. More than 50% of all online searches originate from mobile devices, which is why Google gives preference to mobile friendly sites in its search results.

But just because your site is accessible from a mobile device doesn’t mean it’s mobile friendly. A mobile friendly site uses responsive design that adjusts dimensions for different devices.

use responsive blog themes for technical SEO

You can use Google Mobile Friendly Test to evaluate your blog.

google mobile friendly test for technical SEO

Using a mobile friendly website design is not optional anymore, it’s a key SEO requirement that you need to comply with.

4. Build a crawl-friendly site architecture

What’s the most number of clicks it takes to reach a piece of content on your blog?

If it’s more than 3-4 clicks, Google’s spiders will take longer to crawl your website and index your content. Google spiders use internal links on your blog to identify and index relevant pages.

To make their job easier, you need to categorize your content in a way that no blog post is more than 3-4 clicks away from the home page.

For example, there are many blogging and WordPress related blogs that cover topics like social media, freelancing and SEO as well. Categorizing the content on such blogs makes it easier for Google to crawl and index content.

When Google spiders crawl a category, the internal links lead them to all the blog posts in that category.

For example,

This is also called a silo website architecture, and it helps Google crawl your blog much faster.

5. Find and remove duplicate content on your Blog

There’s a difference between duplicate and copied content. Google comes down really hard on blogs that copy content from other websites.

I’m sure you don’t do that.

But you can still lose traffic because of duplicate content on your blog. This happens mostly because of identical meta-descriptions on multiple pages.

Thankfully, though, solving this problem isn’t very difficult.

  • Head over to your Search Console account (Google Webmaster Tools)
  • Go to Search Appearance and HTML Improvements

remove duplicate content for technical SEO

  • Click on “Duplicate meta descriptions” to see the specific pages that have duplicate content.

The solution to this problem is canonical URLs. A canonical URL tells Google that you realize there are multiple pages on your site with the same content, but there’s one preferred URL that you want Google to index and leave the rest.

If you don’t want to do this manually, you can use Yoast SEO plugin to apply this URL parameter.

6. Eliminate crawl errors on your blog

One of the main objectives of technical SEO is to make it simple and easy for Google spiders to crawl and index your blog.

Which is why you need to get rid of any crawl errors that are preventing Google from indexing your content.

There are a different types of crawl errors. But you can find all of them in your Search Console account.

eliminate crawl errors for technical SEO

“Not found” is the most common crawl error that is caused by broken or incorrect links. But there are several other error types as well. Moz has a very detailed guide on fixing all of them.

Even if you don’t have any crawl errors right now, check your Search Console account every month just to be on the safe side.

Wrapping Up

Having a strong technical SEO foundation is important for your blog’s long-term traffic generation strategy. The changes I’ve discussed in this post will put your blog on the right track and protect you from any future Google penalties. However, these are just some of the basics of technical SEO. You may want to get in touch with an SEO expert if you want to learn more about this topic.

Guest Author: Jawad Khan is a content marketing consultant, a certified inbound marketer and a freelance blogger for hire. You can follow him on his blog, WritingMyDestiny and Twitter.

The post Technical SEO for Bloggers: 6 Changes to Drive More Traffic appeared first on Jeffbullas's Blog.

from Jeffbullas's Blog

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