5 Smart Ways To Use Twitter Lead Generation Cards

Are you interested in generating more leads or subscribers, so that you can nurture them into members, advocates, and donors? If you aren’t familiar with Twitter Lead Generation Cards, you’re missing the opportunity to allow users to sign up or subscribe to your organization without ever having to leave Twitter.

Here are five smart ways you can begin to generate leads from Twitter today.

1. Newsletter Sign Up

The most obvious way to use Twitter Lead Generation Cards is to encourage people to sign up for your email list.

Test different images, targeting, and copy. Highlight the different benefits of subscribing to see what resonates the most with your target audience.

Twitter Lead Generation Cards Ad- Subscribe

2.  Content Marketing

Similar to email capture landing pages, offer your most popular PDFs or guides in exchange for an email. Choose a guide that has a lot of buzz on Twitter, so you can target related hashtags.

Twitter integrates with several different email providers, including our favorite, MailChimp. Integration is important because it allows users to immediately receive your PDF in their inbox as soon as they hit submit.

The email providers that integrate with Twitter lead generation ads include:

3. Giveaways

If your organization has some swag available, maybe a branded T-shirt, a book, a tote bag, use Twitter lead ads to run a giveaway. Encourage people to subscribe to your organization’s email list for a chance to win. 

4. Online Event Signup

The next time your organization participates in an online event, such as hosting a Twitter chat or webinar, consider using Twitter lead ads as another way for people to sign up. Encourage people to submit their email to RSVP or to receive an email reminder.

5. Sign Up to Take Action

If your organization does advocacy work, run a Twitter lead ad right before you send out your next action alert email. If you’re planning to send an email blast about a specific piece of legislation, run an ad a few days prior. Encourage people to subscribe to learn more about the legislation and how they can get involved. Add these folks to your email list in time to receive your action alert.

If you’re looking for help to increase leads for your nonprofit organization, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The post 5 Smart Ways To Use Twitter Lead Generation Cards appeared first on Media Cause.

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