The Full Monty — February 15, 2016

Customer-centric. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Customer-centricity should be on your mind, the future of advertising belongs to..., social media marketing isn't working, digital priorities for 2016, back to the basics at Tumblr, India refuses Facebook Basics, why teens are leaving Facebook, the potential and the zaniness behind Snapchat, Twitter's numbers are down, the trust-factor of Airbnb, the importance of reputation, autonomous vehicles may affect much more than the auto industry, the future of Pandora and SoundCloud is in question, digital advertising for small business, resilience, the Chart of the Week, plus our trivia challenge, our podcast pick and more, it's The Full Monty.

A roundup of relevant links affecting our industry. If you’re on Flipboard, you can get these links — and additional ones — by subscribing to The Full Monty Magazine at

The Full Monty is the publication that exposes you to the business intelligence that matters at the top of every week. Please sign up for our email updates to make sure you don't miss a thing. And please share this with your colleagues if you find it valuable.

And, if you're around at 9:30 pm ET on Sunday evenings, you can get a preview of a couple of topics via the live video on Facebook. If not, you can always catch the replay here:

The Full Monty Preview - February 14, 2016
It's the Valentine edition of #SundaysWithScott - trivia, rants and the bow tie of the week.
Posted by Scott Monty on Sunday, February 14, 2016


  • In my speaking engagements, I address how the advertising model is broken twice over, from analog to digital and foisted on social platforms. Ben Thompson brings you through the history on Stratechery, noting that Google and Facebook are the best positioned to succeed in the future of advertising.
  • According to a Gallup poll of some 18,000 people, social media marketing is a myth: 62% of people think social networks are not effective in driving shopping decisions. Of course, the networks themselves aren't (nor are clumsy brand ads), but the interactions they have with individuals there are. And as we've noted for years, it's more important to engage your existing customers to help attract new ones.
  • Time, Inc. acquired the last vestige of MySpace, which also nets them a significant ad tech network. In the words of Dave Pell, "as history has shown, nobody knows how to pick a great internet opportunity like Time."
  • A new app by Quartz will use texts and emoji to send you news updates. The new iPhone app uses a chat interface and push notifications to deliver curated news stories. If you think visuals, grunts, beeps and boops are overrated, wait until you get to the Snapchat section below.
  • Now, there are an increasing number of talent agencies, networks and matchmaking services for influencer marketing. What's the influencer strategy for this program? Communications teams, pay attention, lest marketers buy their way into relationships that may be on the earned media side. There's certainly room for both, but it must be balanced.
  • Reputation management is in high demand, as more instances of lying, cheating and other unseemly activity come to light:

Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of. — Socrates [TWEET THIS]

  • The techiest Super Bowl ever happened last week. How techy was it? Looking at the wifi analytics from the stadium showed that cloud storage was the #1 application type used this year — after two years of social netorking dominance. Clearly lots of content being created and shared.
  • This shouldn't be a shocker, but here are the top digital transformation trends you need to be paying attention to in 2016: 


Advanced Bootcamp for Account Executives

Send your AEs to Advanced AE Bootcamp March 31 - April 1, 2016

The workshop is an opportunity to advance your account executives to the next level, polish their skills, and make them experts!

What AEs learn during our 2-day Advanced workshop: Agency math; running your accounts like a small business; teaching your team how to think strategically; it’s not just marketing, it’s business; getting paid to build the plan; building a sales funnel that demonstrates actual ROI to clients.

Attendees also learn how to develop marketing strategies (and know why one is better than the other) instead of just managing a project the client assigns to them.

Who Should Attend?
Agency Senior Management and Account management staff with at least 3+ years account management experience as a project manager, an account coordinator, account executive, key account manager, or as an account supervisor.

Register now or learn more!

"No conversations…it’s mostly selfies."
"How are you able to take in all that information so quickly?"
"I don’t really see what they send. I tap through so fast."
  • LinkedIn
    • If you'd like to learn about the power of publishing on LinkedIn, I'll be giving a webinar with Chuck Hester and Ragan PR on February 25. Sign up here.
  • The Wall Street Journal's fastest-growing platform? Line. Yes, messaging apps are the new thing.

Trivia question: Which two words/phrases is the city of Seattle banning from use by its employees? *

Collaborative / Autonomous Economy 


Content / Customer Experience

Privacy / Security / Legal

Measurement / Metrics / Data 

Chart of the Week

Brought to you by Zignal Labs, a realtime, cross media analytics platform (also a client of Scott Monty Strategies).
One of the breakout hits of the Super Bowl last week (not counting #PuppyMonkeyBaby) was T-Mobile's ad starring Steve Harvey that called out Verizon for getting things wrong (not Harvey), and clearly goading them on to #ballogize. The resultant spike in mentions and conversation put T-Mobile in the thick of things:

* Answer to the trivia question above: 

When You Have the Time: Essential Watching / Listening / Reading 

Each Monday we publish this newsletter that includes a series of links about current events and trends in the worlds of technology, business, digital communications and marketing in order to keep leaders up to date on changes, newsworthy items and content that might be useful in your job. A new issue is available every Monday morning. Please subscribe to keep up to date on developments.

Curation is hard work. Do you get any value out of it on a regular basis? If so, please consider becoming a patron to help support this newsletter by going to Patreon. Yes, you can pledge a dollar a month, but that's a paltry amount, don't you think?

I advise brands and agencies to help them improve their communications and digital acumen. Please get in touch if you'd like to put my experience and digital smarts to work on a project, to consult with your group, or to address an audience at your next corporate or industry event.

Image credit: Frinkiac


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