The Ever Changing Landscape of B2B Social Media

8-Ideas-for-Generating-More-Qualified-B2B-Leads-on-LinkedIn-768x427One thing we can all count on in this crazy world of ours is change. When it comes to B2B and social media plans, this can be a particularly challenging concept. Adapting and staying on top of this dynamic landscape is hard for an individual, let alone a larger business entity that needs to stay ahead of the curve to capture business leads and close sales. Below are a handful of articles that can equip you with the proper tools to chase leads and get those sales with your social media plan.


8 Ideas for Generating More Qualified B2B Leads on LinkedIn

From Whittington Consulting

According to a study conducted by HubSpot, LinkedIn produces a visitor-to-lead conversion rate of 2.74 percent — that’s 277 percent better than Twitter or Facebook. On top of that, more than 80 percent of B2B leads gathered via all social media efforts combined come from LinkedIn. LinkedIn currently has more than 396 million users, but how can your business take advantage of the platform to earn more leads? Here are 8 ideas you can try to get more traction and generate more leads using LinkedIn. Read More

A 5-Point B2B Digital Marketing Strategy for Engagement and Visibility in 2016

From Business2Community

With a recent survey indicating that 77% of companies increased their digital marketing budgets and trends indicating further rapid growth in 2016, competition for B2B visibility is increasing significantly. And what this means in terms of gaining competitive high ground in crowded B2B markets is the application of stand-out techniques in both new and existing B2B marketing channels. Read More

Are you compelling enough to close?

From Inflexion Point

It’s essential to separate B2B sales opportunities into two categories: inevitable and discretionary. In the first group, the customer is invariably going to buy something within a fairly tightly defined timeframe. The second group is far harder to predict and manage. It’s by no means inevitable that the customer will do anything. They could – and often do – end up sticking with the status quo. Identifying your purchaser and knowing how to represent your product to them will go a long way towards helping you close that sale. Read More

Social Media Works for B2B Sales, Too

From Harvard Business Review

Customers have gotten way ahead of B2B sales efforts. Too often, companies are not even getting invited to the dance. The wealth of information available online for prospective customers has effectively uncoupled buying cycles from selling cycles. Bain & Company recently surveyed 370 sales and marketing executives of large technology or industrial companies. Of this group, half acknowledged that digital marketing and sales channels are significantly changing customer behaviors, yet only 12% feel well prepared for the digital disruption. Read More

5 Smart Metrics To Measure B2B Content Marketing Success

From bizible

According to a recent survey by CMI and MarketingProfs, only 21% of content marketers are able to successfully measure their content marketing in terms of ROI. Seeing that stat is a big wake up call. In what other profession would that be ok? Read More

While these articles are a start to your toolkit, they aren’t the whole package deal. Keep looking forward and keep learning to stay relevant today, tomorrow, and beyond. Hopefully now you at least feel a little more secure in your current plan to tackle B2B social in 2016. If not, at least now you have a little more guidance on reaching success!


Photo credit: Whittington Consulting

From Social Media B2B
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