Get Ready for the Full Monty

Maybe not *the* Full Monty, but *a* Full Monty

If you have even a passing familiarity with this site, you might know that we regularly write a weekly update that gets distributed as a newsletter called "The Week in Digital."

As of the end of 2015, The Week in Digital is no more.

A bit more on that in a moment. But first, let's explore how we got there in the first place.

Branding and Rebranding

This project began in March 2013 amid producing such a newsletter for teammates on the communications and marketing staff around the world. Originally called "This Week in Social Media," we broadened the title in October 2013 to "This Week in Digital and Social." That too was truncated to "This Week in Digital" in January 2014 and in mid-2015, it morphed once again into "The Week in Digital," in recognition that it reflected goings-on during the previous week.

Such a utilitarian and descriptive set of names shouldn't be a surprise from a site that was once called The Social Media Marketing Blog. Again, not terribly creative, but when it came to SEO and brand recognition, it did the job.

The content of the weekly newsletter has changed as well, with entries that aren't necessarily purely digital. The Content section now includes Customer Experience, and the Collaborative Economy isn't exclusively digital. Our section for longer reads typically contains things about leadership, culture and non-digital elements as well.

When I launched my own company and the weekly newsletter became an increasingly important part of the branding and the value I deliver to clients and subscribers. And because my experience on the corporate communications team at Ford exposed me to a wide variety of functions beyond social media and digital communications (such as crisis communications, executive communications, employee communications, media relations, influencer marketing, digital marketing and more), the branding of Scott Monty Strategies needed to include that.

So a more effective newsletter name seemed to be in order.

Welcome...The Full Monty

Ever since the debut of the 1997 movie, I've gotten remarks about my name. My family and I traveled to England about six months after it hit theaters and when we arrived at the counter of the car hire establishment, they looked at our documentation and said, "Like The Full Monty?"

[Aside: it's never been clearly established exactly where the phrase got its origin, but it also refers to a large English breakfast and Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.]

In the last few #SundaysWithScott videos that are included in each newsletter, I've alluded to the demise of The Week in Digital and a new iteration. As of next Monday, January 11, The Full Monty will make its debut, and you're the first to see the new logo:

It incorporates the bow tie logo from Scott Monty Strategies (which you can see on the site above), tying it into the 'o' in Monty, making it a little more human. As you know, the bow tie is part of my signature look, giving a nod to experience, trust and independent thinking. Blue is a classic corporate color that exudes trust and confidence. And I've been on a constant drumbeat about the need to humanize business since before I arrived at Ford.

And "Virtually Everything" should tell you a bit about what I give you in each issue. The value that most people get from the publication is that it pulls together disparate bits of interesting and relevant information from across the Web, giving you just about everything you need to know for the week. Add to that the double entendre of virtual, meaning practically and the next wave of techno-gadgets that await us, and we have a winner.

If you don't yet, please subscribe to my newsletter and be guaranteed that you get The Full Monty every Monday when it hits inboxes around the globe.

I hope you find something to like about the new name and the branding. And I hope you'll continue to come back and feed me with your insights and discoveries. You make me smarter by doing so.

Photo credit: James Creegan (Flickr)


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