The Week in Digital — November 9, 2015

Determining the bigger weasel — Comcast or Microsoft, Netflix vs. everybody, the rise of artificial intelligence in everything, the Camp David of ad blocking, platform predictions for 2016, sharing is down on Facebook, huge gains in video views, Twitter's public policy efforts, customer experience matters from online to offline, SEC updates on influencer marketing, the best new app around, plus our weekly trivia challenge, the podcast pick of the week and more, it's The Week in Digital.

A roundup of relevant links affecting our industry.

Each Monday we publish a newsletter that includes a series of links about current events and trends in the worlds of technology, business, digital communications and marketing in order to keep leaders up to date on changes, newsworthy items and content that might be useful in your job. A new issue is available every Monday morning. Please subscribe to keep up to date on developments.

News items are in regular text; additional commentary has been added in italics.

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Live Video Preview of The Week in Digital - Nov. 8, 2015
Posted by Scott Monty on Sunday, November 8, 2015


  • Eyeo, the company that owns AdBlock Plus, held "peace talks" with advertisers in New York. Professor David Carroll was there and shared some of the preliminary definitions for "acceptable ads":
    • Advertisements cannot contain animations, sounds, or “attention- grabbing” images.
    • Advertisements cannot obscure page content or obstruct reading flow, i.e., the ad cannot be placed in the middle of a block of text.
    • Advertisements must be clearly distinguished from the page content and must be labeled using the word “advertisement” or equivalent terms.
    • Banner advertisements should not force the user to scroll down to view the page content.
We can't resist noting that the meeting was held a the Algonquin Hotel, home of the legendary Algonquin Round Table. At one of the original Algonquin Round Table gatherings Dorothy Parker, said this, which could equally be said of advertisers:

“If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.” [CLICK TO TWEET]


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December 8 - 9 in Orlando. Explore best practices of how agencies are making and keeping more money from an industry expert who works with 250+ privately owned small to mid-sized agencies every year. Learn how to tell at a glance if you’re making money, if you’re staffed properly and how to keep more of what you earn.
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  • Twitter
    • Another are-they-dead-yet look at Twitter, this time from The Atlantic. They win for most creative image, anyway.
    • Twitter has eliminated Favorites in favor of like-hearts. The change extends to Vine and was already part of Periscope. What's not to like?
    • A new Public Policy Page shows the important work Twitter is doing on things like freedom of speech, Internet freedom, privacy, online safety, disaster response, corporate intellectual property and more. For all of the hoo-hah of whether or not Twitter is useful or has a place, it's worth a visit to this site to see the impact of Twitter around the world.
  • The GWI report also indicates that time spent on social networks is up this year as is the average number of user accounts. This means that consumers are spreading their time between more networks, spending less on each one individually.

Trivia question: Amazon surprised the world last week by doing what? *

Collaborative Economy 


  • Spotify isn't killing the music industry; it's leading the way to the future of music, which is streaming rather than ownership.
  • Facebook is doing its part to make music streaming mainstream as it adds Apple Music and Spotify song clips to your News Feed.
  • The second season of "Serial" will stream on Pandora. There was some confusion about the term "exclusive" in the announcement; producers assured everyone that Serial would still be available as previously, just that Pandora was added as a streaming partner
  • Podcast Recommendation of the Week. This week, check out Grammar Girl, recommended by Erik Deckers. Your friendly guide to the world of grammar, punctuation, usage, and fun developments in the English language. Do you have a podcast recommendation for us? Add yours to our Google Sheet:

Content / Customer Experience

[Note: this section is expanding to include customer experience-related material, as it reasonably represents the offline version of content marketing.]

Privacy / Security / Legal

* Answer to the trivia question above: 

  • Amazon made headlines by opening a physical store in Seattle this week. The retail giant's online presence has resulted in the closing of hundreds of independent bookstores over the years. Thus, clearing the way for its own physical stores.

When You Have the Time: Essential Watching / Listening / Reading 

  • An enterprising British man has created an app that filters out all Kardashian activity. While we may not be on board with AdBlock, we'll support this. Can we make him an honorary U.S. citizen while we're at it?
  • Greenlight A Vet: Change one light to green in a visible location-on your porch, in your home, or at your office-and keep it glowing every day as a symbol of appreciation and support for our veterans. Then, share your support by taking a picture of your green light and posting it using the hashtag #greenlightavet.
  • If you're in the advertising / marketing / communications industry, you might be accustomed to giving away your intellectual property for free. Here's how other industries respond:

Did you enjoy what you read this week? If so, please consider becoming a patron, which means you can pledge as little as $1 a month — or any amount you wish — to help support this newsletter by going to PatreonA dollar a month? That's 25¢ for everything you've read above.

I advise brands and agencies to help them improve their communications and digital acumen. Please get in touch if you'd like to put my experience and digital smarts to work on a project, to consult with your group, or to address an audience at your next corporate or industry event.

Image credit: Keven Law (Flickr) 


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