The Week in Digital — November 30, 2015

Black Friday moves to mobile, digital trends influencing retail, more than 280 marketing resources in one place, the future of homeless media, Amazon's power play, how Facebook scales its culture, unimpressive ad growth at Snapchat, why audio content doesn't go viral, luxury brands' difficulty with storytelling, what that Facebook words quiz did to your privacy, how big brands measure social media, Silicon Valley's reputation problem, plus our weekly trivia challenge, the podcast pick of the week and more, it's The Week in Digital.

A roundup of relevant links affecting our industry.

Each Monday we publish a newsletter that includes a series of links about current events and trends in the worlds of technology, business, digital communications and marketing in order to keep leaders up to date on changes, newsworthy items and content that might be useful in your job. A new issue is available every Monday morning. Please subscribe to keep up to date on developments.

News items are in regular text; additional commentary has been added in italics.

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Live video preview of The Week in Digital #SundaysWithScott
Posted by Scott Monty on Sunday, November 29, 2015


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  • Instagram
    • Instagram will have multiple account support on Android. An iOS version will follow. This will make it easier to switch between personal and brand accounts. We'll stand by, awaiting the inevitable I-forgot-which-account-I-was-logged-into fiascos that will ensue.
  • Twitter
    • If your sports mascot is a controversial figure, it's probably not wise to tweet something on a holiday related to that figure. That's what the Washington Redskins discovered when they ignorantly wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving on Twitter. See Instagram, above.
  • Snapchat
    • Snapchat's ad business hasn't been all that impressive. To the point that its $16 billion valuation is being negatively affected. With an ad product that bumps up against the $500,000 mark and lack of metrics, we can't say we're surprised.

Trivia question: What new show offended riders of New York City's subway trains this week, and how did it go about doing so? *

Collaborative Economy 

  • After much scrutiny and publicity over issues with drivers, Uber is creating a safety advisory board. It's not yet clear what role it will play, but it will address all aspects of safety for the company.
  • From the delivery of flu shots today to covering rural areas that may not have available ambulances tomorrow, Uber is getting into healthcare. Another example of an industry completely unrelated to transportation that could be disrupted. It might even be better received than Obamacare
  • Have a friend or family member who's too cheap to take Uber? Use Teleport to bring them to you. We can't wait for an IFTTT that couples Siri, Cortana, Google Now or Facebook M to allow you to execute the command by saying "Beam me up."


  • Without any kind of innovation in UX, we're unlikely to see audio content go viral.
  • You might think Spotify is a recent innovation. But the Telharmonium was the Spotify of 1906. "The old wheel turns and the same spoke comes up. It's all been done before and will be again." - The Valley of Fear
  • Podcast Recommendation of the Week. This week, check out The Truth from Radiotopia. The Truth makes movies for your ears: short stories that are sometimes dark, sometimes funny, and always intriguing. Each story is different, and usually 10 to 20 minutes long. Do you have a podcast recommendation for us? Add yours to our Google Sheet:

Content / Customer Experience

Privacy / Security / Legal

Measurement / Metrics / Data

* Answer to the trivia question above: 

  • The advertising for the Amazon original The Man in the High Castle was a little controversial: the Nazi-U.S. symbols were plastered all over New York subway, giving some riders a vivid memory of how Jewish prisoners were transported to death camps. The ads were removed.

When You Have the Time: Essential Watching / Listening / Reading 

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I advise brands and agencies to help them improve their communications and digital acumen. Please get in touch if you'd like to put my experience and digital smarts to work on a project, to consult with your group, or to address an audience at your next corporate or industry event.


from Social Media Marketing
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