How to Make a Splash on Twitter with Visual Marketing

How to Make a Splash on Twitter with Visual Marketing

Hello readers! I know you’re dying to learn visual marketing tips for Twitter and this week I have a treat for you. I have a guest post from my friend Aaron Lee! Aaron is the Grand Master of Customer Delight at Post Planner. When he is not writing, he’s finding the perfect cup of coffee and trying to perfect his coffee art. Catch up with Aaron via Twitter @AskAaronLee or on Facebook.

Aaron has built an amazing Twitter presence of almost a half a million followers so listen carefully as he shares his tips. Over to Aaron…

The way we see and use images have changed.

Today they are the center of our engagement on social media.

Social media is all about the VISUALS. Our mind is just better at capturing images than text.Click To Tweet

If you know me, you’ll know that Twitter is my BABY!

It was the social media platform that allowed me to connect with the world. You could say that I owe my career to Twitter. I wouldn’t be here without it. Here’s the problem with Twitter recently: It’s just too noisy. The noise level has increased due to the increase of users and the usage of annoying spambots. Yuck!

The good news is. You can still make a splash on Twitter.

The key is… you guessed it. VISUALS.

Today, I’ll be focusing on how you can make a splash with visuals on Twitter. I’m here to show you how you can use visuals to change your marketing mindset.

Here are my best tips on how you can use visuals for your marketing.

1. Know the ratio

One of the most important things to remember is the ratio. This is your mantra. You need to remember that on Twitter, the ratio for images is 2:1.

That means if the image width is 800 pixels, the height has to be 400 pixels. 800x400pixels. If you don’t use this ratio, your images will possibly be out of centre when you tweet it unless you’ve kept the wordings or the focus in the middle. That’s okay!

If you don’t want to remember this complicated formula. Just use platforms like Canva.

2. Create your own

If you want to make a splash with visual marketing, you need to post ORIGINAL photos.Click To Tweet Original photos tend to stand out better compared to stock images because people have seen generic images numerous times. (and it’s so boring)

Canva is the best platform to create original photos. It’s easy to use and you don’t have to be a pro designer to get started.

How to make a splash on Twitter with visual marketing

In fact, they do all the work for YOU! All you have to do is click a few buttons and voila! You have yourself an awesome image that you can use on Twitter. It’s that simple.


Quotes are your new best friends.

In fact, quotes have one of the highest potential to make a splash on Twitter. I’ve seen it so many times. They never fail to work.

The reason they just work is because anyone can relate to them.

You, your best friend and your family can relate to them. It’s effective across multiple demographics.

Here’s a quote of mine that was retweeted more than 1000 times.

How to make a splash on Twitter with visual marketing

4. Gif’s

Repeat after me: Gifs are for Twitter.

THEY ARE! They are FUN and infectious! In fact, I’ve been posting gifs more and upping my game because my friend @sampavin showed me how.

I noticed they simply got more response when I included them in tweets. They allow me to express the tweets better, and catches people’s attention.

Gifs for the win!

5. Post proven content on Twitter

Is that even possible? Yes it is.

If you don’t know already, Post Planner has an awesome feature called Viral Photos that can help you predict content that are likely to get shared. It’s a secret algorithm cooked up by our awesome engineering team.

You can easily find content of any Facebook pages, Instagram account or Instagram hashtag.

Here’s an example of Peg Fitzpatricks’s most engaged visuals on Facebook. I can easily share this photo on Twitter and credit her in the tweet helping me to not only getting higher retweets and to get noticed by her.

How to make a splash on Twitter with visual marketing

6. No corporate stock photos!

Don’t you get tired of seeing people in corporate clothing smiling and shaking hands?

Oh man! If I had a dollar for every time someone tweets with a stock photo.

Seriously, stock photos are overused and overrated. It just doesn’t convert well. In fact, they may have the opposite result.

Good news is, there are tons of websites that will give you beautiful stock photos for free. Shopify covered quote a number of websites that you can quickly find beautiful stock photos

How to make a splash on Twitter with visual marketing

8. Personal

Everyone should post personal photos on Twitter. Why? It simply keeps us human. As a marketer and business owner, I know that we can get caught up with it all and sometimes forget that we’re not just a brand. We’re human, and we’re connecting with other humans.

Posting personal photos allow us to connect with others on a personal level. When people connect with you at a personal level, they REMEMBER you.

9. Tag people

Did you know you can tag people in images on Twitter? I bet you just got blown away when I mentioned that. Twitter allows you to tag up to 10 people. If you create a top 10 list of people to follow on Twitter, you can upload an image and tag those 10 people. How powerful is THAT!

When you tag someone in an image, your tweet will actually be shown in their mentions stream.

This allows you to increase exposure for your tweet.

10. Be consistent

To do well with visuals on Twitter, it boils down to: consistency, consistency, consistency.

You need to be consistent in using images if you want to do well. You can’t post it sporadically and expect it to take effect. It’s about continuously doing it.

To post consistently, I recommend you use scheduling platform of your choice.  There are many great websites other than Post Planner to help you do this.

Summing up

Using visuals is not a gimmicky marketing technique. It’s a powerful way to build engagement and help you grow your followers. Visuals aren’t going away! It will only get better by the time.

What do you think? What type of visuals are you posting on your Twitter account? Leave your questions and comments in the box below.

The post How to Make a Splash on Twitter with Visual Marketing appeared first on Peg Fitzpatrick.

from Peg Fitzpatrick

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