Celebrating World Kindness Day with #KindTweets

On World Kindness Day, we celebrate the generosity of spirit that happens in a variety of places and settings around the world each day. One of those places happens to be Twitter. Whether it’s partaking in supportive hashtag campaigns, liking Tweets as a form of congratulations or empathy or just sending #KindTweets, kindness to others is alive and well on Twitter.

Today we’re taking a look at some of the kind acts we’ve seen during 2015, from people who’ve brought kindness to the forefront on Twitter. We hope these stories inspire you to Tweet it forward.

Job help
@AaronTDCC took to Twitter to help a homeless stranger find a job by simply Tweeting the man’s resume. The Tweet picked up steam and dozens of folks responded with support and hiring inquiries:

Ashley Fleetwood created the Twitter hashtag campaign #ForceForDaniel, hoping to secure an early screening of the upcoming “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” for her husband, Daniel, who was ill with terminal cancer – and a huge “Star Wars” fan. The hashtag quickly picked up steam with more than 55,000 Tweets, eventually leading to success: he did see an early screening of the much-anticipated film. (Sadly, Daniel passed away just days after the screening.)

Lost and found
Tom Hanks and Channing Tatum both used Twitter to return or find a lost item. While Hanks Tweeted out a Fordham student’s lost ID in hopes of returning it, Tatum used Twitter as a tool to locate his backpack. People on Twitter helped spread the word in both situations:

Re-signing an old book
Author Judy Blume chimed in on Twitter after Brooklyn resident Leonard Lasek accidentally gave away his wife’s beloved old copy of Blume’s much-acclaimed “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret.” Judy used Twitter to connect with the man to sign a new copy.

In an effort to track down a man who’d been the subject of online criticism, Cassandra Fairbanks (@CassandraRules) started the Twitter hashtag #FindDancingMan. It quickly picked up traction, and Cassandra was able to connect with Dancing Man — and then threw him a party in an effort to turn online negativity into something kind:

We hope that these random acts inspire you to be kind to someone today - on Twitter or off. Use the hashtag #KindTweets to express kindness toward someone or share a story about kindness you’ve received. In the meantime, Here are a few Tweets to brighten your day:

from The Twitter Blog https://blog.twitter.com/es/node/6878
This post appeared first on blog.twitter.com

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