Betting on Online Gambling: 5 Reasons There’s Great Potential for Revenue

Taking gambling out of the casinos and having the same thrills available on smartphones and tablets isn’t just convenient; it’s a smart move to generate revenue. Going to Las Vegas or Atlantic City is expensive, and most routine gamblers make it to the cities once per year at most. What about the other 364 days? With online gambling, gaming is available 24/7 anywhere there’s a Wi-Fi connection, and some brick and mortar casinos are catching on.

1. Accessibility is Easy

All a person needs for online gambling is a platform and an internet connection. There’s no need to drive down to the bar for video poker or schedule a flight to Nevada. This is the biggest opening for increased revenue, so why are so many casinos lagging behind? The internet era is a slow comer in the world of gambling, but that’s changing.

2. There’s No Intimidation

For newbie gamblers, learning how to play craps or even joining a table of 21 players can be intimidating. Online, there’s no judgment and it’s easy to look up any rules or tips on the fly. This means people are more open to exploring new games–and when they’re not good at them, that’s easy money in casino pockets. However, it’s also a great way to learn the games.

3. There’s No Tangible Cash (or Chips)

Notoriously, casinos require players to gamble with chips because they’ll likely spend more easily. There’s something about handing over a $20 bill compared to a red chip. However, virtual chips are even easier to spend, and it’s easy to get caught up in the game. This might not be good news for the players, but it’s ideal for the house.

4. There are No Distractions

The glamour and glitz of Sin City is enough to draw any gambler away for a show or a buffet. However, with online gaming, the only entertainment is sheer gambling. Take away all the other distractions and people are more likely to spend where it counts.

5. Responsive Design is Catching Up

With responsive design at the forefront of many online casinos, it’s easier than ever for players to gamble from any platform. It doesn’t matter if they have a Macbook or the new HTC The One. Gaming sites are easy to use, work well on any platform and that encourages players to roll the dice.

Ready to test Lady Luck? There are numerous great, user-friendly online options available. Try out a few to find the right fit, but remember to never bet more than can be lost.

from Soshable
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