Why I’m Still Confident that Donald Trump’s Supporters will Turn Right Soon

There’s something about a great salesman that’s appealing. It’s what made people love watching Mad Men;s self-destructing Don Draper and it’s the reason that Steve Jobs was so popular despite being a bad example as a human being. As salesmen go, Donald Trump is arguably the best in modern politics with his only real competitor being President Obama.

The problem with a great salesman is that they are normally singular when it comes to applying their skill. Steve Jobs was great at selling the motivations and concepts behind his technological dreams. President Obama is the ultimate rallying force as long as he has a teleprompter in front of him. Donald Trump is unquestionably an incredible talent when it comes to selling his brand and that has translated into lucrative real estate deals and high ratings on television over the years.

The point is this: there’s no shame in falling for the Trump political pitch. He’s a master at saying whatever he needs to say in order to appeal to his audience. Unlike other politicians, he studied the field and drew tremendous support very quickly by understanding what to say and how to say it in order to win them over.

Most people do not like political jargon. They want straight talk because they can understand it better. They want fearlessness in their politician because they believe that it equates to action. They want the exact opposite of President Obama who has led from a perspective of fear through both terms, feigning bravado but acting like someone who really doesn’t want to make other countries mad (other than Israel).

Donald Trump’s appeal is easy to understand. If that equated to an ability to lead us through the turmoil that surrounds us, then he’d be a clear choice for President. Unfortunately, it has been shown to translate into poor responses to situations that are tiny compared to what he’ll have to face if he sits in the White House.

From Megyn Kelly rattling him so easily with a question to Hugh Hewitt’s questions that, for some reason, are being called “gotcha” questions (even though most other candidates are very familiar with the problems in the Middle East they’ll have to face as President), Trump has demonstrated two terrifying traits for a President: it’s easy to rattle him to put him on the stuttering defensive and he dwells on those attacks for days, even weeks. It affects him. Those are both very dangerous traits to have if you’re running for President.

The Democrats are chomping at the bit to get to him with their attacks that will make Megyn Kelly and Hugh Hewitt’s questions seem closer to Sarah Palin’s lobs. If he’s somehow able to make it through the Democrats’ attacks (which he won’t, but let’s say he could), he will be faced with the most rattling circumstances and attacks imaginable when he hits the real world as President.

It’s impossible for me to imagine that the GOP voters won’t see this before it’s too late. I have faith that they can get past the sales pitch and move on to the substance of Donald Trump. This is what gives me hope. I understand why people like him and I’m confident that they will see through his pitch before it’s too late.

Trump is extremely well qualified to run any business, get massive TV ratings, and say what he wants to say when he wants to say it. However, he lacks the basic temperament necessary to win the general election, let alone perform well as President.

Donald Trump Somber

from Soshable http://ift.tt/1it3HMc
This post appeared first on Soshable.com

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