The 20 Most Compelling B2B Statistics from the Latest CMO Survey

b2b-cmo-survey-2015Twice a year, the CMO survey, sponsored by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, the American Marketing Association and McKinsey & Company, does exactly what you would expect them to do. That’s right. They survey top marketers at US companies. This year’s survey, which includes responses from 255 marketers, is the 14th version of this survey, so there’s lots of data for historical comparison.

One of the unique things about this survey is that the results are not just broken down by B2B and B2C, but they also look at the differences between companies that sell products and companies that sell services. Below are some of the most relevant results to B2B marketers who are managing social media efforts. Wondering how much budget you should be spending on social media or mobile marketing? Here are some benchmark numbers. This is especially helpful if you are a services company. This information is rarely separated out.

The entire highlights document is embedded below, so you can dive into these numbers, and lots more, in detail.


1. Marketing budgets of B2B companies are 10% of the overall company budget.

2. B2B product companies currently spend 8% of their marketing budget on social media.

3. B2B services companies currently spend 12% of their marketing budget on social media.

4. In the next 12 months, B2B product companies will spend 10% of their marketing budget on social media.

5. In the next 12 months, B2B services companies will spend 16% of their marketing budget on social media.

6. In the next 5 years, B2B product companies will spend 18% of their marketing budget on social media.

7. In the next 5 years, B2B services companies will spend 25% of their marketing budget on social media.

Social Media Impact

8. 6% of B2B product companies have not been able to show the impact of social media on their business.

9. 17% of B2B services companies have not been able to show the impact of social media on their business.

10. 40% of B2B product companies have a good sense of the qualitative impact of social media.

11. 50% of B2B services companies have a good sense of the qualitative impact of social media.

12. 54% of B2B product companies have proven the impact of social media quantitatively.

13. 33% of B2B services companies have proven the impact of social media quantitatively.


14. Only 23% of marketing projects run by B2B product companies use marketing analytics.

15. Only 30% of marketing projects run by B2B services companies use marketing analytics.

Mobile and Internet

16. Both B2B product and service companies currently spend 5% of their marketing budget on mobile.

17. In the next 3 years, B2B product companies will spend 14% of their marketing budget on mobile.

18. In the next 3 years, B2B services companies will spend 13% of their marketing budget on mobile.

19. B2B product companies complete 7.5% of their sales over the internet.

20. B2B services companies complete 9% of their sales over the internet.

From Social Media B2B
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