123 Content Marketing Tools from Industry Professionals

123 Content Marketing Tools from Industry ProfessionalsWhat tools do you use to market your content online?

They could be tools to help promote your content, analyze results, share content on social media and more.

We reached out to some of the top content marketers in the World and asked them about their favorite tools.

What is Content Marketing and what tools are relevant?

Content marketing is a term that is often confused. Here’s an explanation from Wikipedia:

Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers. This information can be presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, whitepapers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, photos, etc.

So… as you can see it’s quite a broad term.

I would consider social media tools under the realm of content marketing because you are publishing content to acquire and retain customers!

I would consider analytics part of the tool set you need to track your content marketing efforts so this is part of content marketing tools!

So… here we go!!


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HOLD UP…before we get down to the nitty gritty if you just want to quickly flick through all the favorite tools from our esteemed colleagues, then check out this slideshare.


Summary of the Top Tools

When we do posts like this it’s always interesting to discover the top tools that most of the pros are using, because if they’re using them they must be good…right!

It’s clear that Buzzsumo is a firm favorite, with Buffer and SEMRush a close 2nd and 3rd.

But what’s your favorite tool?  Have your say in our poll at the end of this post.

TopTools - Content Marketing

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Want to tell us your top 3 content marketing tools?

Make sure to scroll to the very bottom of this article to take our quick poll so we can find out what your favorite tools are. I am sure you have some great ones to share with us!



MikMichaelStelznere Stelzner – Social Media Examiner

1. Google Trends

What if you could have on-demand insight into what people are searching for and whether it’s increasing or decreasing as a trend? Enter Google Trends, which allows you to type in a couple of keywords and compare their interest activity. For example, I compared “social media marketing” to “content marketing.”

2. Screenflow 5 for Mac

Have you ever seen those cool videos that somehow capture what’s on your iPhone? Ever wonder how to do that? Check out ScreenFlow 5 for Mac. With ScreenFlow 5, you can plug your iPhone into your Mac. Then within ScreenFlow, record the video off of your iPhone or iPad as you demonstrate how to do something.

3. Trello

I use Trello to help manage my activities.

andy-crestodinaAndy Crestodina – Orbit Media

4. Google Analytics

This is the ultimate tool for content marketers because it shows you what’s working and what isn’t. Cars need headlights. Content needs Analytics. But of course, just having it doesn’t help. Using it for reporting doesn’t help much either! Great content marketers use Analytics to do real analysis and support decisions. Like any tool, it’s all about how you use it…

5. Meet Edgar

I’m saving a lot of time lately by using a social media scheduling tool called Meet Edgar. I’ve loaded in two things: a 30+ posts (with images linking to evergreen content) and 30+ times of the week (when my audience tends to be active). Now these posts are randomly selected to go out at those times, allowing me to focus on other types of posts and social interactions.

It’s not free and it takes a while to set up properly, but it’s a big time saving in the long run.

6. SEMrush

It tracks and analyzes rankings, competitors, links, keywords and PPC ad spending for your site or any other. It’s one of those comprehensive tools that gets more useful all the time. I find myself using it several times per day to see the general search performance of clients and their competitors. It’s the by far the fastest way to see how effective a brand is at search marketing.

jeff bullasJeff Bullas – JeffBullas.com

7. Snagit

Creating visuals, including imagery and video for your blog, using screenshots has become the norm. For content marketing, it is essential. When I started blogging it wasn’t that important but today it’s almost mandatory on the visual web.

8. Buzzsumo

This helps identify hot content to share with your followers and also helps identify influencers related to specific terms.  I use it to find great content ideas and influencers.

9. Tweepi

This is software that I have used to grow my Twitter followers to over 320,000. Building online distribution is great for distributing your content, creating brand awareness, engagement and driving traffic. To use it like I do you need to subscribe to the Platinum version.

michael brennerMichael Brenner – Newscred

10. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is a tool I use almost every single day. If you want to “win the internet” for your keywords, you need to see who your real competition is. Many brands are somewhat surprised to see that publishers often rank the highest for certain keywords. But I also think this tool helps you to see just how much social sharing occurs on the top posts and which channels are driving the engagement.

11. Topsy

Topsy is a tool very similar to Buzzsumo although it does not show the number of shares, it produces somewhat different results, and I find the feature set is not quite as rich or intuitive. But still worth a look if you are trying to figure out what articles, videos and photos people are sharing.

12. Bottlenose

Bottlenose is an interesting little website that purports to tell you “what the world is thinking right now” about any topic.  You can display topics, hashtags and mentioned people. And then prepare to get mesmerized by the constantly updating chart.

Andrew DavisAndrew Davis –  Akadrewdavis.com

13. Grammarly

Why I love it? Grammarly actively helps me be a better writer. I’ve written everything (including my latest book) using Grammarly and it’s worth the small fee each month!!! I love it.

14. OptimizePress

WordPress is great, for sure, but I really like the flexibility that OptimizePress delivers. Sure, it’s used by many as a landing page creator, but I like using it for everything. Great tool.

15. Get Drip

I used to spend a fortune on tools like Infusionsoft to help me with my marketing automation. But I’ve recently fallen in love with Get Drip. It’s easy and fun to use and it’s a fraction of the cost.

syed balkhiSyed Balkhi – WPBeginner

16. SEMRush

A great tool for competitor research.

17. Edit Flow

We use Edit Flow to manage our editorial calendar for WPBeinner and other properties. It allows for customizations, editor notes and much more.

18. OptinMonster

If you want to build email subscribers rapidly, you need to use OptinMonster!

Brian FanzoBrian Fanzo – Broadsuite

19. Flipboard

When it comes to content marketing it’s important to be able to consume great content on your desktop on your phone and on the tablet.  It’s also important to be able to share that content to social and Flipboard allows all of that and more.

20. Buzzsumo

Great content in my opinion start and great industry listening. I leverage Buzzsumo for not only personal brand social listening but content research influencer monitoring and to study industries trends.

21. Meerkat & Periscope

Content today is created and consumed in many different formats. I need to be authentic and create content in real-time has never been more important and thanks to apps like meerkat periscope you can create that content by simply clicking go live on mobile device while also saving the contents to be leveraged for other channels.

Stewart RogersStewart Rogers – VentureBeat

22. Grammarly

I know a lot of people will cite Canva as an amazing content creation tool. That’s because it is! But awesome graphics aren’t going to cut the mustard by themselves. You need to ensure that your words resonate, use active language, and have correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

That’s why Grammarly should be on every content marketing creator’s list of must-have tools. It goes way beyond the typical spelling and grammar checkers built into your word processor of choice. Grammarly makes your written content punchy, relevant, and effective.

23. Feedly

Content marketing is not all about “broadcast mode.” It is also about setting the tone, and coming across as the person (or people) that know this subject better than anyone. That’s why you must always curate other people’s content and share that with your audience too. I can’t think of a better tool to help with this than Feedly.

I fill Feedly with news and content sources, in different categories, via the Feedly icon (courtesy of a Chrome extension), or via an RSS feed. I can then skim-read all the latest news, and see how popular it is online. It is super-easy for me to find, read, and share the best content for my followers in a couple of clicks of the mouse.

24. Triberr

There is no point spending ages writing great content, adding beautiful images, and putting it all together on your website if nobody reads it, so content promotion is key. For me, along with sharing the content to all the usual social networks, there’s nothing as effective as Triberr for extending the reach of your articles, infographics, and web tools.

Triberr works by broadcasting your RSS feed to your “tribe mates,” who then decide whether they like that content or not. If they do, they share it with their followers. The onus is still on your to produce great content with awesome headlines – nobody is going to share mediocre output – but Triberr helps to expand your readership far beyond what you can achieve on your own.

Brian DeanBrian Dean – Backlinko

25. SEMRush

Perfect for finding keywords that readers (and searchers) use to find content online.

26. Buzzsumo

The best tool for finding proven content topics. Ideal for The Skyscraper Technique.

27. Gmail

(yes really) In my opinion content promotion=email outreach. And I couldn’t do it without Gmail.


Neal SchafferNeal Schaffer – Maximize Your Social

28. Buzzsumo

Love using Buzzsumo for researching content ideas, finding influencers based on the content they share, doing competitive analysis on the performance of my own content, and curating content. Hands-down my go-to tool for content marketing research.

29. Socedo

Socedo is a strategic social selling tool I use when I want to promote my content-specific lead magnets. Not only is it a great way of promoting my content, but the engagement it creates helps me stay in better touch with my followers!

30. LeadPages

I have been using LeadPages on and off for the last few years, but there’s simply no easier way to quickly deploy a great-looking landing page which also integrates with all of the major email marketing tools as well as Go2Webinar.

PhyllisKharePhyllis Khare – Phylliskare.com

31. Bufferapp Power Scheduler

A dream to use, the Power Scheduler allows you to post the same content many different times in many different social platforms with an endless amount of edits on the fly. This is my favorite way to post at the moment. You see this particular interface when on a post that you are sharing using the blog’s social sharing icons or the Chrome extension icon. In less than 5 minutes you can set up auto-posting to all your sites and edit them so they don’t all read the same, and add images and have you week’s worth (and more) of posts scheduled.

32. RiteTag

Another awesome tool that has a Chrome extension that embeds itself into all my social posting interfaces. RiteTag is a straight up scheduling and hashtag addition tool. I have a special love of hashtags and this little tool gives me the data scoop on each hashtag I choose right there on the interface. The first number gives me how much competition there is for this hashtag, the second is to potential reach and the third is the potential for Retweets with this hashtag. The color coding shows me great (green), good (blue), bad (red) and Unused (white) hashtags. Love it. You can click the little data icon and get more analytics about this hashtag than you’ll ever need to know.

33. Yoast SEO

Besides being the all around best SEO plugin for WordPress, this tool also has the capability of hooking you up with Facebook’s Authorship and Twitter’s Summary Card systems. There’s too much to say for both of those things, but if you want to share from your blog and get credit for the share with a hyperlinked author tag on Facebook (you want this) and an automatically generated Twitter Card in the summary of the tweet (you want this too) — then make sure you have this WordPress Plugin installed. I bet Ian has some super tutorials on how to hook it all up. :-)

JamieTurnerJamie Turner – 60 Second Communications

Right now, we’re focusing a lot of our attention on tools that help distribute content to a larger audience. So many businesses (ours included) focus too much attention on content creation and not enough on content distribution. We’re exploring several tools that are designed to supercharge the distribution of content rather than the creation of content.
These include the following:

34. SocialToaster

This tool makes your content continuously shared by “Superfans” who are connected to all masses and platforms.

35. DynamicSignal

An employee-focused tool that makes it easy for brands to source and distribute content that is received by users and posted onto their social media channels.

36. SimpleReach

SimpleReach is a great distribution tool that can send your content out via almost any channel.

John Lee DumasJohn Lee Dumas – Entrepreneur on Fire

37. Meet Edgar

We create a LOT of content at EntrepreneurOnFire, and there are a lot of great tools we can use to schedule out how we share our content via Social Media. Meet Edgar is the only one that allows us to quickly and easily build a library of our content to automatically re-share in a powerful way. We love it!

38. PodcastWebsites.com

Sometimes Podcasters just want to PODCAST. With Podcast Websites, you have EVERYTHING you need as a Podcaster in one place. Web hosting, media hosting, 24/7 support…all for a low monthly cost! It’s our top recommendation for Podcasters’ Paradise members who are looking for an all-in-one piece of mind!

39. Smart Podcast Player

Top Podcaster Pat Flynn knew what he was doing when he created the Smart Podcast Player. It integrates seamlessly on WordPress and simply looks stunning. The social media option make it easy and fun to share as well! It’s dynamite!

Bernie BorgesBernie Borges – Find and Convert

My team and I use many tools in our content marketing efforts. These three tools standout.

40. Meddle.it

Meddle.it allows for content curation from their community. However, we use it more to share content by using their Chrome plug-in that makes content sharing easy. You can share an article to Meddle.it and to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook straight from the article online via Chrome.

41. Canva

We use Canva to create images to support our content. We also use Canva to create Slideshare content.

42. Hashtagify

The third tool that we use daily is Hashtagify. We study popular and trending hashtags and find influencers using them.

Zac JohnsonZac Johnson – Zacjohnson.com

43. Meet Edgar

A tool for automating and scheduling out your social media marketing and blogging outreach. This tool saves me countless hours per month. You can also listen to my interview with their founder Laura Roeder.

44. CrowdFireApp.com

A great service and app for better social media management and growing your following online. Easy to use and low cost as well. The service was previously titled JustUnfollow, but changed after expanding their social network focus from just Twitter, to now also include Instagram.

45. ThriveThemes.com

Simply the best WordPress theme on the market right now, which also has a built in drag and drop editor, while built purely around the focus of increasing engagement and lead generation on your site. ThriveThemes was created by Shane Melaugh.

JayAcunzoJay Acunzo – Nextview

46. Annotate, an app from Driftt

(Full disclosure: NextView is an investor in Driftt.) The company is led by one of the best product minds around, David Cancel, a serial entrepreneur and previously HubSpot’s Chief Product Officer, so it’s a beautifully built app. Annotate lets you upload or capture images and screenshots, mark them up, and easily share with others or publish online.

47. Canva

Since I’m not a designer but have to constantly design things at NextView, it’s invaluable for me to start with high-quality inspiration and/or templates to use. (It saves me from myself!) So with Canva, I’ve done everything from regular blog graphics to more critical assets, like our podcast’s cover art.

48. Auphonic

It cleans up the audio files ahead of publishing my podcast, Traction. Because the show is very story-driven and aims to be high production value, I have to splice together different audio tracks, sound effects, music, and so forth, which can sound somewhat disjointed. Auphonic eliminates background noise and also levels any differences in volume so each episode sounds like one coherent experience.

Pamela MuldoonPamela Muldoon – VoiceOver Talent

49. Process Street

One of my new favorite tools that I recently started using is Process Street. This an online tool that helps with process and workflow. I can create checklists on each show I work and share it with anyone else who needs to have access to the process. You can also embed checklists on your blog or website to share with your audience. I believe that solid systems ensure consistency and this tool provides me an easy-to-use application to get things done!

50. Adobe Creative Cloud

I do a lot of editing and love working with Adobe Audition for my audio recording and editing process. I actually use the Adobe Creative Cloud version which ensures I have the most up to date software at all times. If you are working with multi-tracks, Adobe is easy and quite user friendly for a sophisticated audio software.

51. Sprout Social

I also recently went back to using Sprout Social for my social media distribution. I especially love their integration of Feedly so I can more easily share articles, blog posts and other content from folks I already respect and follow. They have easy-to-read reports that tell me what I need to know quickly and with nice graphics. It’s a robust tool that fulfills my needs well for social media distribution and engagement.

52. Libsyn

For podcast audio hosting I highly recommend Libsyn. The folks at Libsyn created their tools specifically for the podcasting community and it shows. They offer cost effective media hosting subscription levels and are one of the few that provide a Network level hosting option. Great customer service and excellent stats. They are also launching a WP podcast player plugin in August which will just add to their ability to serve podcasters even better.

Kim GarstKim Garst – KimGarst.com

53. Sprout Social

This is a platform management tool that allows you to post and schedule content as well as engage with your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram followers. I have tried many different management tools and recently switched over to Sprout Social for one key reason. One of my favorite features of Sprout Social (and the one that saves me the most time) is the ability to see past tweets conversations for those that engage with me on Twitter. It makes it much easier to see what conversations we have had, and in what context, so that I can engage appropriately.

54. Canva

I couldn’t create a list of my favorite tools without mentioning Canva. I have a design background and used Photoshop religiously until I found Canva. Canva saves me a ton of time and is a great collaboration tool for my team! Visual content is the backbone of my platform because I have found that my audience engages most with the visuals. I mean, when our brains process visuals 60,000 times faster than text that has to mean something, right? Try it, you will love it!

55. Periscope Live-Streaming App

Let me start off by saying I haven’t been this excited about something new in social media in YEARS! It didn’t take me long to see the marketing potential of Periscope and since then, I have gone all in on using the app to build a connected community. So what is it? Periscope is a live-streaming app that was purchased by Twitter and allows broadcasters to go live in front of their followers and anyone on the app. Viewers have the ability to comment on, give hearts to, and share the broadcast via their Twitter account. The connection to Twitter is a big reason why I chose to focus on Periscope as opposed to other live-streaming apps. The value of this app, in my opinion, is the ability to build the know, like, trust factor at a super accelerated rate because people get to know you much quicker when you are “live” and in front of them chatting rather than a post or tweet at a time.

IanClearyIan Cleary – RazorSocial

56. Buzzsumo

This is a great tool for content research.  For example, if I’m going to write a blog post on a topic I’ll research to find out the most popular posts related to this topic.  Buzzsumo will show me the most shared content related to the topic.

57. SEMRush

A great tool for competitor research.  Find out all the keywords that are driving traffic to your competitors!

58. InboundWriter

How many blog posts do you write that get no ongoing organic traffic?  If you use InboundWriter it will tell you if you have a good chance of getting organic traffic based on the keywords you are focussing on!

Glen GilmoreGlen Gilmore – Gilmore Business Network

59. Buffer

I use the Buffer app to pace and target my content to specific communities. I like its ease of use. Twitter lists are also a powerful tool for content aggregation and sharing. I keep my lists private, because I’m pretty ruthless about who stays on and who goes off and I’d rather not hurt feelings.

60. Tweetdeck

This is a nice platform to use during Twitter chats to track various topics simultaneously and to optimize the use of Twitter lists.

Donna MoritzDonna Moritz – Socially Sorted

61. Agorapulse

I’ve tried a LOT of scheduling tools and Agorapulse wins out for me in terms of engagement on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Why?  Because this tool ensures that you never miss a tweet or comment – and I love that you can easily find your most valued advocates (ie those that tweet your content the most) making it easy to have the right conversations.

62. Studio

I love Studio, not only because this app allows you to create awesome designs for sharing your images and photos, but it also has a cool remix function where users can remix the designs of others into their own images. It’s a community of people sharing cool designs, with the ability to follow others too, so you can get loads of inspiration for your visuals. It’s available on iOS and Android too!

63. Tailwind

When it comes to can’t-do-without tools, I can’t do without Tailwind for Pinterest. Tailwind allows me to schedule pins and repins to Pinterest. It also tells me the best times to post for engagement, and gives me information on what content is being shared from my website – insight that helps me to create more visual content that resonates. I love that Tailwind is affordable too!

Farnoosh BrockFarnoosh Brock – Prolific Living

64. Meet Edgar

Best automation and scheduling tool for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other major social media platforms. We were hesitant to use MeetEdgar because of the monthly service fee, but it has saved us so much time and energy. We love it because unlike Hootsuite and Buffer, it allows you to stop your past social media updates from “going to waste” in that you can recycle and reuse them, and studies show that this does not take away from fan engagement and in fact, it reinforced it.

65. Google Analytics

It continues to be the most reliable way to measure the health of our websites, and the traffic patterns that then help us make better business decisions. This is a tool that takes a bit of a learning curve at first but it will be a great investment of your time as you learn to apply the features you need into your business.

66. Streak

This is not so much a social media tool but a Customer Relationship Management tool so this is after social media has brought you some strong leads and you want to take your relationship to a higher level. I Love Streak, as I’d been looking for a CRM tool for years. It sits on top of Gmail and it helps you create your pipeline with all stages of the sales process as well as fancy features that allow you to manage your email as a professional.

Bryan KramerBryan Kramer – PureMatter

67. Post Planner

Find ALL the content you need for social media in ONE place! Images, articles, status ideas (anything you need!) from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and your favorite blogs.

68. LittleBird

As influence becomes more important in content creation, LittleBird has become my goto for discovering experts and their validated content that’s most meaningful to prospects or communities. It also helps us create subject matter experts within organizations more quickly!

69. Flipboard

is a social-network aggregation magazine-format mobile app. The software collects content from social media faster than anything else I can curate and presents it in a magazine format, and allows me to “flip” very quickly through feeds specific to my interests. It helps me plan what is hot for content and make sure I’m creating timely pieces of information. As well, submitting your articles into Flipboard makes your own content more shareable.

Jeff KorhanJeff Korhan – True Nature

My favorite content marketing tools are designed around discovery, subject matter experts and industry influencers, and content distribution and sharing.

70. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is my go-to tool for learning about content desired by a target audience, and for specific topics. It also provides insights into what works for the respective social media channels, and even for particular periods of time.

71. Nimble

Nimble is a useful tool for discovering influencers and developing relationships with them. It quickly builds a profile of their interests and the content they are most likely to share.

72. Feedly

Feedly remains my preferred curation tool. Content is then organized for various purposes using Evernote, Trello and one of my longtime favorite organization tools, Checkvist.

Kerry GorgoneKerry Gorgone – MarketingProfs

73. Buffer

I use Buffer every day to schedule tweets and LinkedIn posts. It’s indispensable on days when I have a podcast or a blog post coming out and need to promote the content. As much as I enjoy social media, I can’t stay on all day just to post: I schedule some tweets or LinkedIn post, then check in throughout to day to see what others are sharing, reply to comments, and so on. Buffer shortens links using the service of your choice, and offers analytics so you can see which posts perform best.

74. Canva

Canva makes it easy for non-designers (like me) to create infographics and other visuals for our content. This kind of tool can help content marketers radically increase reach, especially on social networks. Twitter posts that include an image get 5x the engagement of those without an image! Several infographics on my site were created with Canva, including this flow chart on whether sponsored content should be disclosed. An easy to use interface and huge array of layouts and graphic options make Canva one of my favorite content tools.

75. TweetDeck

Effective content marketing starts with relationships: you have to build a network if you want your posts to reach people. I use TweetDeck to participate in my favorite Twitter chats, including #BlogChat on Sundays at 9:00 p.m. Eastern and #BizHeroes on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. I’m able to create a column for each chat I want to follow, and view the host’s Twitter stream and my own notifications at the same time. That way, I can keep up with the conversation. TweetDeck also allows me to instantly follow interesting people I meet during the chat. Love this tool!

Rebekah RaddiceRebekah Radice – Rebekahradice.com

76. Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo is an analysis and research tool that no content marketer should be without. With Buzzsumo you can research your competition, identify popular content and determine what’s resonated with your audience.

Whether you’re looking for reference material to add to your next blog post, determining the strength of a specific topic or tracking your competition, Buzzsumo lets you quickly find who and what is most influential around that industry or niche.

77. Post Planner

Do you struggle to find relevant content for your social media audience? Would you love to improve engagement, but don’t have the time to track down content that inspires your community?

Look no further than Post Planner! With Post Planner, you can find content that’s already proven popular with your target audience. Whether you’re looking to share content on Twitter or Facebook, Post Planner will help you curate, schedule (and even create with Canva integration) like a pro!

78. SEMRush

SEMRush is my go-to tool when researching potential clients, my own website, and my competition. Want to know what keywords your competitors are ranking for? Or the keyword position for your website within search? Use SEMRush to find opportunities and identify the top keywords driving traffic to any domain.

Viveka Van RossenViveka Van Rossen – Linked Into Business

79. Periscope

I purchased Kim Garst’s course on Periscope and I did my first Skypescope with Sue later that week. (A Skypescope is when you are a guest on another’s periscope – and the audience can see and hear you through Skype). In one ‘Scope I got almost 200 new followers, eight new connections on LinkedIn, five downloads of my e-book, and one consulting call. Not bad for just having fun talking to the camera!

I’m going to be using Periscope to share LinkedIn tips as they pop into my head, capture them on video, and add them to my YouTube channel. Because of the casual nature of Periscope, I don’t have to worry about the whole production that I usually do using Screenflow and Camtasia.  So I can get content out there super fast – increasing both my top of mind awareness and expertise positioning!

As a ninja trick – I’ll get them transcribed and add the video and the transcription as LinkedIn Publisher Posts too! Think about what you can do with Periscope in your business!! Thanks Sue and Kim :-)

80. eGrabber

With all LinkedIn’s restrictions, it’s getting harder and harder to find and engage with my prospects on LinkedIn.  My solution is eGrabber’s email prospector!  This tool not only allows me to gather ANYONE’s contact info on LinkedIn that I can export to my CRM – and email them right from the too! AND I can also do quick and deep research on their company, and that gives me something to talk about with them. Absolute worth the investment ($600/yr).

81. Nimble

Speaking of CRMs, I am a huge fan of Nimble. Despite the fact that LinkedIn has shut down its API to most 3rd party companies, Nimble’s software allows me to quickly hover over a contact and gather all their social info, create a contact sheet on them, and save them to my Nimble CRM.  But that’s not all, it also will tell me who in network is influential (and talking about me) so that I can ping them right way, track my meals, keep an eye on “signals” (keywords being shared on my social networks.)  Its offers immense value for a very low monthly price ($15) (http://ift.tt/1Fc2HWV)

Ashley ZeckmanAshley Zeckman – TopRank

82. GroupHigh

GroupHigh is a relatively new tool for our team. In fact, we are in the process of co-creating an eBook with them on building relationships through influencer marketing.

What I like about GroupHigh is that it makes blogger influencer discovery easy for a variety of industries. GroupHigh’s influencer data is based first on blog presence and then on social media impact. That means, you can identify influencers that see the value of content because they’re creating it themselves.

83. Hemingway Editor

For a tool that seems so simple, the Hemingway Editor packs a punch. With the amount of content that our team creates for our own marketing and for our clients, this tool has proven to be incredibly helpful.

Sometimes you can get caught up complicating content when it needs to be simple. Hemingway alerts you which sentences are hard to read, as well as simple alternatives to the content language.

84. TweetJukeBox

Getting caught in the social media time suck is no joke. I’ve found that once I get pulled into Twitter, it’s hard to escape.

TweetJukeBox helps prioritize social media time spend. If you have a content asset that you’d like to promote on Twitter, TweetJukeBox makes scheduling social content simple. That way, the time I’m spending on social networks can be used to boost engagement instead of scheduling messages.

When we have a content marketing project with a robust social amplification plan, I prefer to use Buffer to schedule messages across multiple company social media platforms.

Jenny BrennanJenny Brennan – JennBrennan.me

85. Post Planner

I love using Post Planner to find content for managing Facebook pages. There is always a need for great organic content that fans want to interact with and Post Planner literally saves me hours every week!

86. Buzzsumo

Creating original content can be really challenging at times, but Buzzsumo helps me come up with amazing ideas by seeing what’s trending in my niche. I also love the fact that I can identify influencers in any industry, I can reach out to them and add them to my Twitter lists in seconds.

87. CoSchedule Analyzer

This is an awesome free tool that I use each and every day. Not just for blog headline ideas but when it comes to creating Facebook ads, using this tool has made the world of difference to click-throughs on those ads and the conversions that occur afterwards.

88. Agorapulse

If you have a team and various clients to manage, Agorapulse will save you hours every week. You can manage, monitor and respond to all those important mentions, messages and comments right within the app andwhat’s more the reporting functionality helps me identify what content is really working, therefore nothing is left to chance!

EricTungEric Tung –  BMC Software

89. HootSuite

They just announced scheduling integration for Instagram. That’s AMAZING. Otherwise, I haven’t used Hootsuite in like 3 years.

90. Buffer

Buffer is great with the add-on tools, Chrome extension, and even mobile app for posting and scheduling on the go.

91. WordSwag

Let’s go quote-images… with WordSwag. Not necessarily a social tool in the traditional sense, but you can live-quote-tweet in the middle of conference sessions. Easy as pie.

Antonio CaleroAntonio Calero – Antoniocalero.com

92. Buzzsumo

Whenever you feel in need of inspiration to create new content, or simply want to find trending articles, Buzzsumo is the perfect app. With an easy to use interface, this tool will search on the Internet for any topic of your choice, and return a list of findings with information about how many times each article has been shared in the most popular social media platforms. You can even limit the search to a specific time range, languages, countries and even domains! Certainly my favourite tool for content curation.

93. Post Planner

An important part of content marketing is sharing that content with your audience, however this is not as easy as it sounds: some days are more active than others, different audiences prefer different type of content, etc. Post planner is a robust tool that allows not only creating different posting schedules, but also includes a set of other great features like: analytics, content curation, re-posting, team collaboration, etc…

94. Evernote

This tool allows you keeping all your content ideas in one place, while being able to access them from all your devices. Many times ideas arrive in the most unexpected moments; but with Evernote you could start drafting a project in your smartphone, to be completed at a later time on your laptop and finally shared with some other user for their input. Evernote also offers an awesome plugin for browsers called ‘Web Clipper’, that allows capturing content from websites in a range of formats (bookmark, screenshot, full article, simplified version,…) and then store it in a notebook of your choice.

Emeric ErnoultEmeric Ernoult – Agorapulse

95. CoSchedule.com

Probably the best content calendar tool to manage a team of writers, have the best editorial calendar for your WordPress blog and the tools to collaborate on each piece of content. And the price is good too!

96. InboundWriter

If you’re writing content, you’ve probably noticed that very few pieces do very well, some do so-so, and most don’t do well at all (in terms of long term organic traffic). InboundWriter helps you get more of these high performing pieces by replacing “guesswork” with data analysis. A must if you want the most bang out of your content bucks!

97. Keywordtool.io

The only tool I’ve found (when you take the paid version) that actually beats keyword planner to death. There is no better keyword research tool in the market, and when you need to know if the topic you’re planning to write about has some potential, it’ll tell you.

Ian-Anderson-GrayIan Anderson Gray –  Select Performers Internet Solutions

98. Buffer

I love the simplicity of the interface and the easy way I can schedule multiple posts to multiple networks. From a geeky point of view, I love the fact I can integrate with other services such as IFTTT and Bitly.


Whilst I use an alternative Zapier sometimes, I love the simplicity of IFTTT and the way I can connect two services together to automate my social media empire and do some quite frankly magical things!

100. AgoraPulse

I’ve tried many social media management tools, but AgoraPulse is really turbo boosted my productivity when it comes to engaging with my social media audiences on Twitter, Instagram, and my Facebook page.

DavidNewmanDavid Newman – Broadsuite

101. Buffer

In terms of scheduling, tracking and distributing content, no tool does more for me than Buffer. With its simple to use interface and easy RSS integration Buffer helps me get the content in front of the right people and provides strong data and analytics on the backside.

102. Buzzsumo

When it comes to Social Listening, I love Buzzsumo. One of the great things it does is provide monitoring and alerts when content is published and/or syndicated to third party sites. Since syndication is an important strategy for content distribution it is great to know when our name or our articles are circulated around the web.

103. Triberr

I have been on the Triberr bandwagon for a long time. Early in my blogging days it was by far the largest source of social and traffic to my content. For curating content and sharing your content, it is a great hub to meet, connect and find others to grow your audience. While I would like to see them focus on their mobile tools, I still attribute many connections I have made and more than 50k social shares to my community on Triberr.

Heidi CohenHeidi Cohen – Heidicohen.com

104. Evernote

I used this tool to capture content ideas as well as references and research for future content.

105. WordPress

A very easy to use content management system that I used to deliver blog content on a consistent basis.

Martin ShervingtonMartin Shervington – Plus Your Business

106. Circloscope

This tool enables you to take super engaged upon content and filter the people who’ve +1d, commented, shared. Perfect to go and build relationships. And is an essential tool in the Google toolkit. You need to think beyond G+ as the platform as Circles are ‘in’ Hangout Apps, Gmail, Google Contacts…

107. Buzzsumo

I think everyone loves this tool! A perfect way to find content, and more importantly to do Influencer research as well as discovering what content gets shared like crazy on Social.

108. We Dig Reviews!

This service is from us (PlusYourBusiness.com) and enables to take your reviews and tell a story (see? a content marketing link!) of how your Local Community loves what you do. And people LOVE to see the stars in Search – with this system they can even appear in organic results, increasing click through rates on your blog content.

Kevin MulletKevin Mullet – Kevinmullett.com

109. Google Analytics URL Builder Chrome Extension

This is a simple free tool that allows you to easily build custom URLs and save sets for campaign tracking on the fly, and when tied to your bit.ly account, it allows you to track unique medium offline clicks or clicks from properties you don’t have analytics access to.

110. Social Crawlytics

This is another free yet powerful tool that allows you to investigate your competitors’ most popular content, where it’s shared, and who’s sharing it, which gives you insight for development of your own content strategy.

111. The Internet

True content marketing is about solving people’s problems, answering their questions, evoking emotion and entertaining them in a way that veils promotion behind exceptional value. I can think of no one tool that is more readily accessible and valuable to marketers today than the many individual options afforded us by the wonder that is the Internet.

LilachBullockLilach Bullock – Commaxis

112. Agorapulse

AgoraPulse is the perfect all in one solution for small business owners and social media managers. It effortlessly helps you manage your content, conversations and analytics in a clean, user-friendly dashboard that really does simplify the whole process from start to finish.

113. GoAnimate

Go Animate is a powerful video marketing tool that allows you to create quality animated videos (as well as animated infographic videos) easily and quickly that produce amazing results without breaking the bank!

114. Talkwalker

Talkwalker is a social media monitoring tool that is incredibly powerful and intuitive. They have a plethora of features and are a very easy to use tool. In a nutshell, they allow you to discover actionable and instant social data insights in only a few clicks!

Sue ZimmermanSue B Zimmerman – The Instagram Expert

115. Social Rank

You can now filter your Instagram followers by words in their bio, hashtags they use, their location, the number of followers they have and more. The ability to segment your followers allows you to send specific messages to individuals who fit your specified criteria.

116. Iconosquare

You can download and save your Instagram photo.

117. Hootsuite

Now you can schedule your Instagram post.

Mark SchaeferMark Schaefer – Businesses Grow

118. Affinio

Affinio is not free but offers a unique way to look at your social media audience by analyzing the natural groups (or affinities) among your followers. For example, for one client, we discovered that their social media audience was divided into seven main affinity groups, but just one of these was the ideal group for the subscription service they were trying to sell. This suggested that we embark on a new strategy to grow a different kind of audience.

119. Traackr

When I wrote Return On Influence, the first book on influence marketing, it was easy to see that this was going to become a mainstream marketing channel quickly. Traackr is one of the leading ways I help clients manage influence marketing activities and I love many of the new features it has added to become a CRM system for influence. A particularly useful feature is the alerts I get on hot content trends by topic. This helps my clients stay on top of the issues most relevant to their target audience.

120. Share Tally

Here is a neat little tool you can use to measure social sharing. I find it frustrating trying to determine how well a site is doing if you can’t see the number of social shares. Share Tally is a free app that can give you social sharing numbers for any piece of content or an entire website. Free and very useful.

Steve DottoSteve Dotto

121. Evernote

I Store EVERYTHING in Evernote and often use the shared note feature to publish content directly to social networks. I would be lost without it.

122. Grammarly

Let’s just say spelling and grammar are not my strong point. Every post, and email I share with the public goes through Grammarly. It cleans up my wordiness, excessive use of “really” and catches typos and other spelling errors. Grammarly makes me look smarter than I really am (there is that word again!)

123. Slack

Slack has surpassed Dropbox as the most valuable tool for my distributed team. All internal communications and assets are pointed to Slack, replacing email, instant messaging and even Dropbox.


Content Marketing has a lot of tools!

Of course you need to have a good strategy in place first but with the right strategy and the right tools you can rapidly grow your presence online!


So what’s your favorite tool?  Take our quick poll below and let us know what you like.

And if you want to create a poll like this yourself, check out EngageForm.  A great tool for creating engaging surveys, polls and quizzes, across all channels and all devices.

The post 123 Content Marketing Tools from Industry Professionals appeared first on RazorSocial and was written by Ian Cleary

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