Bring In Your Parents Day is Back on November 5, 2015

Tell your managers and invite your parents; LinkedIn’s 3rd annual Bring In Your Parents Day is on November 5, 2015. Find all the information you need at

When my dad, a retired auto mechanic, first visited me at work at the LinkedIn office in 2013, one of the first things he asked me was, “Why do you need so many people to run a website?”

For a recently retired, 47-year veteran of the automotive industry, you could say that walking into a high-tech workplace was just a little overwhelming. But once he got comfortable with all of the people, learned more about my job, saw the campus, and of course, indulged in some of the food, joining me at LinkedIn’s first Bring In Your Parents Day was such a rewarding experience—for both of us.



My dad was finally able to see first-hand what my workplace was all about. He could understand the unique challenges of working for a global company and see where I spend the majority of my days during the week. It was so different from the garages where he worked and seeing it for himself has made it so much easier to talk to my dad about work.

In 2014, my dad and I convinced my mom to join us as well for the second annual Bring In Your Parents Day. As part of the day, I led a session for parents on how to use LinkedIn – something I do every day as part of my job as a LinkedIn evangelist – but I usually don’t have my parents in the audience. They saw me present about LinkedIn at Bring In Your Parents Day and now they’re able to understand what I do when I go into a company and teach them about our platform. It was so fun to have them not only learn about how they should be using LinkedIn, but also for them to see me in “work mode,” demonstrating the skills that they have taught me my entire life.




On November 5, 2015, we are hosting our third annual Bring In Your Parents Day (#BIYP) in 18 countries – and of course, you’re invited to participate as well!

Visit for more information on how to get involved.


from Official LinkedIn Blog
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