The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Entrepreneurship is a mindset, one that the best among us have utilized to create powerful brands. Accepting the entrepreneurial mindset is not easy, however, and usually involves becoming the odd man out. After all, how can the average person understand wanting something so bad that you are willing to set everything else aside, or having a laser like focus that blocks everything out?

Entrepreneurship involves more than just business, drive, and dedication.  Entrepreneurs have an innate ability to be creators and survivors.

As Michael E Berger, put it in Traits of a Truly Entrepreneurial Mindset,

So, when you start your company, you must think of it as though you were about to write a book. What would that book of yours say? What would you, as the author of your book, wish to impart to your reader that would hopefully transform the way they think about their life, about their success, about their future?”

Although, entrepreneurship is a mindset, it is not one that everybody can hone in on and choose to apply to their life. Lets look at the two main mindsets necessary to become a successful entrepreneur.

The Creator

A creator has to be a visionary with laser-like focus. It’s not just about the product you are creating, but the vision you have for that product or service. Some of the most successful brands have a clear vision, and have stood by that vision for as long as they have been standing. This vision continues to carry them forward, providing a clearly prepared path.

  • Macy’s -“Premier national retailer with iconic brands that each operate a multi-channel business involving outstanding stores and dynamic online sites.”
  • Reebok -“We all have the potential to do great things” and “to help consumers, athletes and artists, partners and employees fulfill their true potential and reach heights they may have thought un-reachable.”
  • Harley Davidson -“Extraordinary motorcycles and customer experiences.”
  • Starbucks – “To expand the economic viability of small family growers throughout the world.”

Each of these brands as we know them, work in line with their vision.

Before you launch your vision, prepare yourself from the perspective of a creator, map out the success of your creation, and prepare yourself for the possible flaws. But remember, your vision should be the inspiration for every decision, and every change in direction.

The Survivor

The entrepreneur is also a survivor, one who understands survival, not only as it applies to himself but to his creation. Survival is first and foremost above all, and the inspiration for his drive, passion, aggression and heroism.

When navigating the unpredictable waters of entrepreneurship, you will experience challenges that will leave you overwhelmed and alone. Friends and family may question your choices and commitments. A survivor knows how to keep going, even when the going gets tough.

The definition of Entrepreneurship according to Wikipedia is “the process of starting a business or other organization. The entrepreneur develops a business plan, acquires the human and other required resources, and is fully responsible for its success or failure.”

According to the definition, anyone can be an entrepreneur, however the mindset is what separates an entrepreneur.

from Soshable
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