How to Get More Followers on Pinterest

How to Get More Followers on PinterestHave your Pinterest follower numbers stalled?

Do you want to know the best ways to to get more followers on Pinterest?

You’ll be glad to know you can skyrocket your follower numbers on the site…

… And there are tools that can help you to do it!

We’ve compiled the best tips and tools to grow your Pinterest followers.

Read on to find out more!


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Build on your Pinterest success by accessing analytics

Pinterest Analytics can give you a lot of information about what is working well on your Pinterest account.

Which pins are getting the most traction?

Who is pinning your content?

Knowing the answers to these questions can help you to get more followers….

1. You can see what your followers enjoy

Use this information to give them more of what they like!

If your followers are most likely to repin infographics you post, then posting more (relevant, targeted) infographics can get you even more repins, which makes you more visible to new people.

Those people can then follow you directly.

2. You can see which users pin your content the most

These are the people who can become brand ambassadors and promote your content.

If someone is pinning a lot of your content, make sure you are following them back. Like and comment on some of their pins, because engagement is vital to encourage new relationships.

You can also find people who are pinning from your website by subscribing to PinAlerts, which emails you every time somebody posts a pin from your blog or site.

Make sure you follow and engage with the people who do this!

Tools for using Pinterest Analytics to boost your followers: PinAlerts and Pinterest Analytics


Gain Pinterest followers by posting regularly

The more you pin, the more visibility you have on Pinterest.

For every awesome pin you share, your chances of being repinned by other users get higher.

Plus, you have a better chance of being found when users carry out a search.

Don’t just post your own content. Mix it up by pinning from others’ blogs and sites, too.

Keep the top-quality posts coming and fab new fans will follow!!

Tools to use to post to Pinterest on a regular basis: Viraltag, Tailwind, Viralwoot* and Curalate

*A note about Viralwoot. As well as scheduling pins, Viralwoot lets you earn seeds (like points) every time you follow someone or like their pin. You can then spend these seeds getting other Viralwoot users to follow you. While this is a way to get more Pinterest followers, the followers you gain won’t be targeted and may be spammy. For this reason, while its scheduling features are great, it may not be the best way to grow your Pinterest follower numbers. 


Cross-promote your pins with your other social media accounts

If you have just posted an amazing pin on Pinterest, post it to your other social media accounts and drive some of your followers elsewhere to your Pinterest page.

They have already followed you in other places, so they want to see what you post!

Cross-promotion is a great way of letting people know that you have an active Pinterest account that they want to follow.


… why not grab the attention of the fans of your Facebook Page by syncing your Pinterest posts?

Pinvolve is a tool that pulls your Pinterest posts into a tab on your Facebook Page.

People who already ‘like’ your Page are clearly interested in what you’ve got to say… take this opportunity to promote your Pinterest account to them, too!

You can find step-by-step instructions for Pinvolve here.

A tool called Woobox also does a similar job. It pulls your pins to a tab on your Facebook Page, displaying them in the same format as they are shown on Pinterest.

Users can stay on your Facebook Page or click a pin to be taken directly to your Pinterest profile.

Tools to use to cross-promote your pins: Use the tools you already use to share to Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc. This might be Hootsuite, TweetDeck or Buffer, for instance. Also, check out Woobox and Pinvolve for syncing your Pinterest account with your Facebook Page.


Promote your Pinterest boards on your website

Convert your site visitors to Pinterest followers by making sure they know you are active on the site.

Pinterest has a Widget Builder.

You can choose to embed the Profile Widget, which shows up to 30 of your latest pins…

… Or the Board Widget, which shows up to 30 of your most recent pins from a particular board.

First, you enter your Pinterest profile URL and then choose the size and shape of the widget.

Widget Builder Pinterest for Business

Widget Builder is provided by Pinterest

You can choose between a square widget, a sidebar widget, a header widget and a widget of your own chosen proportions.

Widget Builder 2 Pinterest for Business

Choose the size of your widget and then copy the code to your website

We will choose the square widget.

When you click ‘Build it’, Pinterest provides you with code that you can copy and paste to create the widget.

With the widget installed, users can see what you have been pinning and click ‘See it on Pinterest’ to be taken directly to your profile.

This is what ours looks like…!

Visit razorsocial’s profile on Pinterest.

Tools to promote your Pinterest boards on your site: the Pinterest Widget Builder


Add a Pinterest ‘follow me’ button to your website

If you want something a bit more subtle, choose the ‘Follow Me Button’ option in the Pinterest Widget Builder.

This will still make it easy for your blog readers to find and follow your Pinterest profile, but it will take up less real estate on your website!

You need to enter your Pinterest profile’s URL and choose a name for the account.

Widget Builder 3 Pinterest for Business

Create a simple “Follow Me” button if space is scarce on your website

Then click ‘Build it’.

Widget Builder 4 Pinterest for Business

You can see how it will look before you copy the code to your website

You will see a preview of your ‘follow’ button and the code to copy and paste onto your website to attract new Pinterest followers. This is what ours looks like!

Razor Social

Tools to add a ‘follow me’ Pinterest button: the Pinterest Widget Builder


Connect with contacts from other social networks

If somebody is friends with you on Facebook, chances are they would want to follow you on Pinterest, too.

As long as you have connected your Facebook account to your Pinterest account, you can go to Find Friends when you are logged into Pinterest and it will show you the Facebook friends you don’t yet follow.

Find your friends

Follow each person simply by clicking on their profile pic. They will be notified next time they log in, and there’s a good chance they will follow you back.

This page also offers you the opportunity to invite your email contacts to join Pinterest.

This could be useful but be careful. You don’t want to look like a spammer!!

Tools to connect with Facebook friends on Pinterest: Pinterest’s Find Your Friends tool


Find new fans with a Pinterest contest

People love the chance to win a prize!

Why not set up a contest and give them that chance? And gain some followers at the same time!

Rafflecopter is a tool that is best known for helping brands to run Facebook and Twitter contests that give your fans the chance to enter by tweeting or engaging with Facebook posts.

It is great for boosting engagement!

However, did you know that Rafflecopter can also help you to run contests on Pinterest?

Users can gain an entry to your contest by following you on Pinterest or pinning an image on Pinterest.

This can be a great way to boost your profile on Pinterest. But make sure you think about the platform and choose your contest rules and prizes wisely.

If your prize is a $100 Amazon voucher, you will likely get a lot of untargeted, irrelevant attention on the site.

Choose something that will appeal to your target audience, and set rules that will attract this group of people.

Tools to set up a Pinterest contest: Rafflecopter


Nine more top tips to skyrocket your Pinterest followers

  1. When you share content from somebody else’s site, tag them in the pin so they know!
  2. Optimize your pins – always include a description with the relevant keywords in it so your pins are easily found in search.
  3. Make sure you have a plugin on your site so that readers can pin your images!
  4. Make sure your Pinterest account is a business account so you have access to analytics.
  5. Don’t just pin your own images, share pics from others, too.
  6. Set up a group board and invite contributors to share to it.
  7. Stick to the topic! Only pin relevant content to your boards – if someone follows your ‘social media infographics’ board, they don’t want to see your holiday snaps!
  8. Repin and comment on other people’s pins; it’s a great way to engage with others.
  9. Share good stuff. It seems obvious, but do focus on only sharing content others will love. Find out how to create eye-catching images here.


What’s next?

What’s your best tip to get more Pinterest followers?

Which tool will you try this week?


Image courtesy of Shutterstock

The post How to Get More Followers on Pinterest appeared first on RazorSocial and was written by Ian Cleary

from RazorSocial

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