Get More Likes on Facebook

Get More Likes on FacebookLikes on Facebook does not equal business.


If you build up a relevant audience on Facebook and you understand how this fits into your sales funnel then you have a great opportunity to make money through this fan base.

You can build up relevant fans on Facebook using a paid or free strategy.  We use a combination of both.

If you create amazing content this is going to naturally attract more fans.

But, you may also want to leverage some tools to build your fan base.

The following infographic outlines tools that you can use to get more likes on Facebook.


Infographic - Get More Likes on Facebook


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1. Facebook advertising tools – pay for fans

One great way of building fans is to advertise on Facebook.  As well as using a tool such as Facebook Power Editor you can use other Facebook ad tools that help you manage and optimize the ads to get improved performance.


Upload all your media for running the ads to AdEspresso and run a range of ad split testing as you go.

  • Easy to use platform
  • Preview ads realtime as you are adding content
  • Split testing at ad set level
  • Easy to create rules for automation e.g. if this then that


Qwaya provides some interesting functionality such as:

  • Automatic creation of campaign / ad set folder structure
  • Good schedule options for your ads
  • Set up rules for your campaigns, e.g. pause campaign when x is spent
  • Audience A/B testing


Driftrock provides the ability to…

  • Create ads in 60 seconds
  • Automate the building of Facebook custom audiences (i.e. target visitors to your website that are not email subscribers)
  • Trigger ads based on certain conditions
  • Advanced Facebook ad analytics

Social AdsTool

Social AdsTool provides an advanced solution for managing and tracking ads.

  • Suitable for larger budget accounts (> $10k per month)
  • Create up to 5,000 ads!
  • Calculate ROI of a campaign automatically
  • Automatic creation of ads based on feeds from product sites


2.  Image and video creation tools – make your content stand out

[tweet_dis]Great content delivered without great imagery is like a electric guitar player without an amp.[/tweet_dis]

You need to create great imagery with your content using tools that are easy to use.    The problem is that ideally you want unique imagery with your content but that’s not always possible.

Video is also important on Facebook and it’s becoming increasingly important.

Here are some tools to use.


Canva is graphic design without any graphic design skills.  It is an essential tool if you are active on social media because you can create images so quickly.

We create batches of images (groups of images using similar templates) and these can be created very quickly.

Most of the functionality with Canva is free but if you do want to use one of the paid for images it costs $1.  Not bad eh?


Cinemagram allows you take a video and freeze most of a video except for a specific part.  This makes that part really stand out and it looks pretty cool.   Video drives engagement so definitely worth considering.


Time lapses are a technique where videos appear to be hyper-accelerated, by recording a frame every few seconds, rather than the standard 24 frames per second of traditional video. They are really effective in showing things that change very slowly (e.g.: a flower opening) or simply by giving an idea of how life changes over an extended period of time (e.g.: sunset).

LapseIt is a really useful tool for creating these.


SloPro provides you with functionality to slow down parts of your video.  For example, you could have some action in the foreground but something moving in slow motion in the background.  Pretty cool!


3.  Management and analytics

Content that gets good engagement with your audience means your reach increases.  On a regular basis (at least monthly) you need to analyze what’s working on your page and what’s not working.

There is so much talk about how Facebook engagement is dropping but it doesn’t have to drop for everyone.  If you analyze the content that works on your page you can start delivering more of that content to increase the engagement.

Here are some tools.


LeadSocial provides very detailed analytics on your Facebook page.  Add in your key performance data and compare your results against this information.

Find out what content length works, what’s your best posts and your worst posts.  This tool is dedicated to Facebook analytics.

You also get a monthly performance report presented as a PDF with really nice visuals.


Agorapulse is a Facebook and Twitter management tool but provides good easy to understand analytics on your page.

It also provides a free tool called the Agorapulse barometer that compares your performance against any other company that ran the tool.

agorapulse barometer

Look at the percentage of fans reached


SproutSocial is a full social media platform that provides very visual and useful reports for Facebook.

sproutsocial report

An example report which is an overview report of the performance of your connected channels

You can post the content to Facebook and then track the results.

Simply Measured

Simply Measured is more suitable for the larger business as pricing starts at $500 per month.  But their reports are excellent and they also provide really good free reports that are definitely worth checking out.


Quintly provides you with a customizable dashboard with a broad range of analytics for Facebook.  Easy to set up and easy to provide great reports.


Buffer is a cool content scheduling tool that allows you to add content to a queue and automatically send it out at specific times.


Edgar is a relatively new tool for content scheduling.  You create buckets of content in categories and Edgar will pick off content from your categories and send out content at specific times you have specified.


4.  Content discovery tools – share the best content

It’s not all about sharing your content.  You need to find engaging content that will deliver results.

There are a range of tools that help find content that has already proven to drive engagement on other relevant sites.

You don’t always want to share content that everybody else is sharing but sharing some content that you know works will help build engagement and drive Facebook likes.


Buzzsumo is a really useful tool to find out content that is shared a lot on social networks.

You enter in a keyword (or a website name) and view a list of the top pieces of shared content related to this.



Check to see what content is shared most on social media


You can sort the column by social network so you can see the most shared content on Facebook.

Pick out some of the most shared and relevant content and share it to your page and watch the engagement go crazy.

Post Planner

Post Planner is a tool for managing your Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.

One of the key features of Post Planner is the content discovery engine.   You can do a search of the web and Facebook pages and find the most shared or liked content.

You can then click on a button to share it out onto your own Facebook page.


Postplanner Trending

Trending content displayed based on shares or likes


We have found that Post Planner is a great tool for building engagement which results in fans.


Feedly is an excellent tool for catching up on all the blogs you follow.  Subscribe to the most relevant blogs and easily share this content directory to Facebook.

To build engagement you need to feed the beast (Facebook) and this is a good tool for doing this. is a community of people that curate content.  They create boards of content based on what they are interested in and then share out this content.

If you find people sharing really relevant content you can follow their board to source content.

This can be a great way of finding content quickly!

5. Engagement Apps – Drive Engagement to Build Fans

If you build engaging apps on your page this can certainly increase your Fan base quickly. Here are an example of some of the apps you can use.

Read this post which gives more details ->  Click here



To build a successful fan base on Facebook you need to attract a relevant audience and build engaging content.

In this article we have outlined some tools you can use to help you build that presence.  Of course, you’ll probably only need one or two of the tools but it’s useful to know them all.

What am I missing in this article?  What tool will you use?

I’d love to hear from you!



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Courtesy of: RazorSocial

The post Get More Likes on Facebook appeared first on RazorSocial and was written by Ian Cleary

from RazorSocial

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