Is Ari Gold’s New Book the Greatest Piece of Content Marketing Ever?

To hype the release of the Entourage movie, Jeremy Piven has penned a book in character as Ari Gold, and if you’re wondering why that’s such a genius move, well, just look at the completely hyperbolic headline of this article.

The book is meant to get fans of the vapid, bro-down show excited for the June 3 theatrical return, and bro, bro, BRO—it’s freaking working. Case in point: My copy of The Gold Standard: Rules to Rule By is already on its way, and I’m rallying friends to go see the premiere. (A group that, surprisingly, consists of more girls than guys.)

Piven is taking things to the next level by doing all of his press for the movie in character as Ari Gold, promoting the book in the process.

This interview with Matt Lauer, which involves a bizarre story about Charlie Sheen and an FCC violation, was particularly amazing.

The fictional-book-written-by-a-fictional-character marketing stunt isn’t exactly new—Barney Stinson’s The Bro Code, Hank Moody’s God Hates Us All, and Roger Sterling’s Sterling’s Gold all come to mind—but it always seems to delight super fans. Plus, what other piece of marketing do people actually pay $15 for?

Without having actually read The Gold Standard: Rules to Live By, I can’t say for sure that it’s the greatest piece of content marketing of all time. But I can say that I expect it to change my life and sit atop my mantle for years to come and probably lead to my future divorce when I pollute my future children with Ari Gold’s vicious and insane vision of the world.

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