Content Marketing Rescue: 4 Tips Tips for Saving Your Brand’s Content Marketing Strategy

Ashley Zeckman

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Sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to give us the reality check we need when it comes Content Marketing strategy.

Popular shows such as Bar Rescue, Restaurant Impossible and Kitchen Nightmares feature industry experts that come into a business, determine the issues hindering success and help the business turn it all around.

When you boil it down, brand-side Content Marketers are facing many of the same issues as these failing bars and restaurants. It often doesn’t matter if you’re a team of one or twenty, sometimes it’s time to bring in the experts. Budget, time and resources can often hinder a brand’s ability to call in for the big guns. Luckily, we’re here to help give some tough love and sound advice for brand marketers looking to revive their Content Marketing strategy. Of the many things you need to keep in mind, here are four high level priorities.

The Assessment

In order to determine why a business is not successful, the experts will have the owners and staff run through a normal service and observe what happens. This exercise helps to identify the biggest opportunities for improvement.

Similarly, brand marketers can take a look at their current Content Marketing strategy and ask the following questions:

  • Have we clearly identified our customers?
  • Do we know what our customers really want?
  • Are we creating a good user experience?
  • Is our Content Marketing visually appealing?
  • Does our current mix of Content Marketing tactics really work?

Chances are, you may know answers to some of the questions above, but not all. Let’s take a deeper dive into what can make or break a Content Marketing Strategy.

#1 Know The Neighborhood = Identify Customer Demographics

Opening a zombie themed restaurant may not make sense if you’re located in a suburban neighborhood filled with families. Correspondingly, marketers need to have a well researched understanding of who their best current and prospective customers really are and what they care about.

For example, a product may appeal to a wide array of different customers, for a variety of reasons. Begin segmenting customers (even on a very basic level) to ensure that there is an understanding of who they are, before determining exactly what they’re looking for.

Once the groundwork has been laid in determining current customers, it’s time to determine what it is that they really want.

Content Marketing is a valuable tool that marketers can use to attract, connect with and inspire their audience to take action. Don’t be shy about asking current customers why they like your product or service. This can provide invaluable insight into how to craft messaging messaging within Content Marketing assets that meet the needs of customers.

#2 Eliminate Difficult Staff = Create a Good User Experience

Customer: “Excuse me sir, but there’s a hair in my food.”
Staff: “That’s too bad, you’re not getting it for free.”

Yikes! Staff members that are not focused on the customer experience are the first to go on shows like Bar Rescue and Kitchen Nightmares. To treat your guests with disrespect is simply not an option if you want to survive.

Maybe the example is a little extreme, but content marketers should constantly be focused on the customer experience and level of satisfaction.

Some simple tips for creating a good Content Marketing user experience include:

  • Mobile accessibility
  • Clear calls to action
  • Landing pages for targeted content
  • Content scannability
  • Visually appealing content
  • Creative headlines and content that delivers

#3 Improve the Decor = Create Visually Appealing Content

With so many options available, a restaurant that is drab, depressing and dirty, likely isn’t going to be drawing in a crowd of patrons.

Both B2C and B2B consumers are constantly inundated with an almost limitless supply of products and services to choose from.  Creating content that is great and useful should always be the most important thing on a marketers mind. However, the ante has been upped!

If you want to survive, good is no longer good enough. Of the images below, which ones catch are intriguing enough that you’re tempted to click and learn more?

visual content marketing examples
#4 Update the Menu = Find the Right Mix of Content Marketing Tactics

Sometimes the food and cocktail menus are just bad. Other times the menu items just don’t resonate well with customers.

Content Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every program will require a slightly different mix of tactics based on customer needs and company objectives. Utilize the list below as a starting point for determining what’s available and then weed out the tactics that don’t make sense for your company.

  • Blogging
  • Case Studies
  • Content Curation
  • Digital Newsletters
  • Infographics
  • Email Marketing
  • eBooks
  • Microsites
  • Mobile Applications
  • Podcasts
  • Video Content
  • Webinars
  • White Papers

Want more tactics? Read “Content Marketing: Definition & Tactics

Pressure Test

Are You Ready for the Pressure Test?
Even after brand marketers research customer insights, create a strategy for visually appealing content, work to improve the customer experience and find the right Content Marketing mix; there’s another crucial step.

The dreaded pressure test! Putting all of the lessons learned into practice takes time so don’t be too hard on yourself. Instead, focus on consistently keeping the objectives above top of mind when creating and executing on your Content Marketing strategy.

Is your marketing team in need of a Content Marketing rescue?
You may be able to tackle these Content Marketing tactics and the pressure test on your own. But if not, we’re here to help.

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May 11, 2015 at 07:10AM

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