This Week in Digital - April 25, 2015

The giant Google said "fee-Fi-fo-fum" - but only to one Android device, Comcast and Time Warner are too big to succeed, a growing disaffection with Silicon Valley, "Mobilegeddon" arrives, YouTube turns 10, Facebook changes its News Feed (no, really!), Twitter allows you to be DM'd by users you don't follow, a 5-minute major for Periscope and Meerkat, Gett gets what Uber doesn't, defining "public," the state of storytelling in the age of the Internet and more, it's This Week in Digital.

A roundup of relevant links affecting our industry.

Each week, we compose a newsletter that includes a series of links about current events and trends in the worlds of technology, business, digital communications and marketing in order to keep leaders up to date on changes, newsworthy items and content that might be useful in your job. Please subscribe - either to our full feed or just to this newsletter to keep up to date on developments.

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News items are in regular text; additional commentary has been added in italics.



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  • Area Company Relies on Satire Site for News: The Onion has its own in-house agency that works with brands and makes them funny. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • BuzzFeed deleted certain editorial-side articles after advertisers complained. Does this signify the beginning of the end of the church and state relationship of journalism and advertising? (New York Times)
  • Believe it or not, content can be used to fuel the growth of a company. Here are examples of certain startups that are relying on content - in some cases print publications - to help grow their businesses. (Contently)

Have you got your ticket yet for Content Marketing World 2015 in September? Thousands attend this signature event for the content marketing industry - you can register here.

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  • Norway will become the first country to shut down FM radio, reported the appropriately-named That's strange; we would have predicted the demise of AM radio beforeFM radio. (The Verge)

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