Pinterest Analytics: 6 Tools to Drive Improved Results

pinterest analyticsDo you want to make the most of your Pinterest account?

Do you understand which pins drive traffic and convert on your site?

Pinterest is a social network that is renowned for high click-through rates and making sales, but…

…if you don’t have a clear picture of what works and what doesn’t, you’ll miss out on these conversions.

In this post, we will take you through the best ways to access your Pinterest analytics and how to capitalize on what you learn.

We will look at six Pinterest analytics tools.

1. Understand Your Pinterest Activity with Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest itself offers analytics to its business users.

This helps you to learn more about the activity on your pins and your audience.

It will give you information on the website you have registered with the site, too.

To access Pinterest analytics, go to your Pinterest profile page and click the settings cog in the top right-hand corner. Select Analytics.

If you have not already set up your account as a business account, or if your website has not been verified, you will need to do this before you can continue.

Next, you are taken to a page that gives you a round-up of your stats, including your average monthly viewers, daily impressions, engagement and top pins for the past 30 days.

Pinterest analytics dashboard

Pinterest analytics dashboard

Across the top of the page, you can access more detailed stats by clicking on ‘Your audience’ or ‘Activity from [your website]’.

Analyzing your Pinterest audience

Pinterest Analytics 2 - audience

On the ‘Your audience’ page, you can see more specific information about the people who view and engage with your pins.

It is broken down by country, by region, by language and by gender, and you can look at the numbers of viewers and engaged users day by day.

To drill down further, look at the two options on the top right.

You can look at audience stats by device (e.g. on Android tablet, iPhone, mobile web, website or iPad), and you can choose between your entire audience or only those who follow you.

Filter Pinterest stats according to app

Filter Pinterest stats according to app

Pinterest Analytics -audience - audience breakdown

This helps you to get to know your audience even better, which will help you to deliver better pins for them to like and engage with!

Analysing Pinterest activity from your website

When you have verified your website with Pinterest, you can go to ‘Activity from [your website]’ to find out how many pins link back to your site, how many clicks those pins get, which pins get the most impressions, etc.

Pinterest Analytics 3 - activity from own site

Pinterest activity that relates to your website

The front page gives you general information, then you can choose to find out more from the bar across the top of the page, choosing to look at repins, clicks, original pins, and all-time stats.

Like with the audience metrics, you can break these down according to the app used to access Pinterest.

Export Pinterest analytics to Excel

Each page of Pinterest analytics offers users the chance to export their analytics and statistics as an Excel file so you can keep your own records on a spreadsheet.

Export Pinterest analytics to a spreadsheet

Export Pinterest analytics to a spreadsheet

This is brilliant for people who are handy with a spreadsheet because you can view your stats in the way that suits you best.

Over time, using a spreadsheet allows you to compare your results and see what is best for attracting visitors and driving sales.

2. Track Pinterest Clicks with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great way to track all kinds of metrics and statistics, and Pinterest is no exception.

We’ve written a lot about how to use Google Analytics before, so make sure you check out those posts if you’re not very confident with it.

Track visitors to your site from Pinterest

In Google Analytics, look at your referral reports (Traffic sources > Sources > Referral reports) and filter for clicks that originated from Pinterest.

If Pinterest doesn’t show up immediately, carry out a search to isolate that traffic.

Set up some goals within Google Analytics to measure what people who arrive at your site via Pinterest do when they get on your site.

Do they make a purchase? Do they sign up to your email list?

To get even more specific and find out which pins refer traffic and how each one performs, take a look at Cynthia Sanchez’s post on using UTM Tracking Codes with Pinterest and Google Analytics.


Cynthia Sanchez

Search Engine Watch has a free custom report template (link) for tracking Pinterest traffic, too.

3. Schedule and Analyze Pinterest pins with Tailwind App

Tailwind App offers users a range of features to manage their Pinterest accounts, including the ability to schedule pins.

It has a Chrome extension available but wouldn’t let us try out its service unless we installed the extension and then went through the demo. Choice would be better!

But, we’re talking about Pinterest analytics in this post, so that’s what we’ll focus on!

Tailwind offers some useful insights into a Pinterest account and its followers.

Start by clicking on Analytics and you will see this menu when you hover your mouse to the left of the screen.

Tailwind Pinterest Analytics Menu

  • Overview: This shows a quick view of how many new followers you have had in the previous week, and how many pins link to your domain.
  • Monitor your domain:
    • Insights: The number of pins, pinners and potential impressions that relate to your domain name
    • Organic activity: Recent pins from your domain name and a word cloud with the words most frequently used on these pins
    • Referral traffic: Connect Tailwind app to your Google Analytics account to get more information about your referrals from Pinterest
  • Track your brand page:Tailwind Pinterest Analytics Profile Performance
    • Profile performance: See your follower, fan and repin numbers and stats about engagement on your pins
    • Boards insights: See stats on all your Pinterest boards including the number of followers, the number of pins and how those numbers have changed over the last seven days
  • Optimize content:
    • Pin inspector: Shows all recent pins, alongside numbers of repins, likes, comments and the ability to repin on schedule
    • Trending pins: Find out which of your pins are trending
    • Interest heatmaps: Get visual information about which pin boards get the most engagement and recommendations to improve strategy
    • Peak days and times: Find out when your audience is active on Pinterest so you can maximize your reach
  • Industry trends: Compare your success to industry benchmarks.

Tailwind App offers a good range of Pinterest analytics information in easy-to-understand graphs and charts.

Some of these features, such as the industry benchmarks, are only available for enterprise clients, but a lot of the rest of the information will be useful for other businesses.

The site also offers video guides to help you use the tool, available on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

4. Get Insights into Pinterest with Viralwoot

Viralwoot (formerly PinWoot) is a tool that primarily gives Pinterest users a way to gain new followers and get exposure for their pins via a points system.

However, Viralwoot also offers an analytics feature that is interesting for business users of Pinterest.

With Pinterest’s own analytics, you can track pins that relate to your registered web address.

Get alerts when users pin from your website

Get alerts when users pin from your website

But, with Pin Alerts on Viralwoot, you can track other domain names, too. This is great for businesses with more than one URL or for those who want to monitor competitors.

Viralwoot will provide statistics on what people are pinning from a website, who is pinning most from that domain, and which images from that web address are trending.

This could be really useful to help brands to know what to do more of and what is most effective. It could also help you to choose good images to use on your site, based on what people like pinning.

With ‘Viralwoot Stats’, though, be aware that it only gives stats about pins that have been shared and repinned through Viralwoot itself.

5. Analyze Images’ Success with Curalate

Curalate is an analytics tool for large brands to track and recognize images between picture-sharing websites like Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.

It works by using its own proprietary algorithms that can recognize and analyze visual images and the information around them. This is pretty clever!

Curalate then gathers insights based on:

  • The traffic generated from these images on the web
  • The keywords your customers and fans use when they post your images
  • The number of times the images are shared
  • Tracking ROI “from picture to purchase”.

6. Analyze Your Pins And Your Competitors With Octopin

Like Curalate, Octopin is a Pinterest analytics tool that can analyze images on social sharing sites like Pinterest without needing to do text searches to find them.

Octopin then provides analytics based on which content is the most engaging and it gives you information on your audience. It can tell you which traffic from Pinterest relates to purchases in e-commerce stores, and it compares your performance with the performance of your competitors. This can help you to see what works for other brands, so you can improve your own success!


Understanding what happens on your Pinterest account helps you to optimize your pins and pin boards to get the best engagement and highest conversions.

At the same time, knowing how Pinterest users interact with your site enables you to choose images for your blog posts that are likely to attract the most pins (and therefore backlinks, exposure and conversions) and boost your success.

Which of the tools above appeal to you? Which features would you use the most?

Tell us in the comments!

Pinboard image by Shutterstock

The post Pinterest Analytics: 6 Tools to Drive Improved Results appeared first on RazorSocial and was written by Ian Cleary

from RazorSocial

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