Online Marketing News: Facebook Says Hello, Twitter Gets More Direct, Google Gets Mobile-Friendly

Ben Brausen

Periodic Table Of Social Media Analytics

The Periodic Table of Social Media - There’s a science to social media. From content and metrics to terminology, here’s a fun way to test and verify your social marketing experiments. Direct Marketing News

New Direct Messaging Comes To Twitter - With today’s changes, the ice cream shop can opt to receive Direct Messages from anyone; so you can privately send your appreciation for the salted caramel without any barriers. Twitter

Facebook, Twitter To See US Display Revenue Share Rise As Yahoo, Google Slip - Twitter is expected to supplant Yahoo as the third largest seller of display advertising in the US in 2015. Marketing Land

STUDY: Facebook Page Posts Net 2.6% Organic Reach in March - The average reach for posts from Facebook pages in March was 2.6 percent, slipping to 2.27 percent for pages with more than 1 million likes, according to the latest research from social analytics and reporting firm Locowise. SocialTimes

Facebook Introduces Hello - Billions of calls are made everyday on mobile phones and people often have very little information about who’s calling them. Today we are starting to test Hello, a new app built by the Messenger team. Hello connects with Facebook so you can see who’s calling, block unwanted calls and search for people and places. Facebook

Google Says There Are 4.7% More Mobile-Friendly Websites Today Than Two Months Ago - The fear of Mobilegeddon encouraged many webmasters to make their sites mobile friendly. Google says there was an uptick of 4.7% of sites that are now mobile friendly compared to two months ago. Search Engine Land

Survey: Nearly 60% of Marketers Plan to Boost Influencer Marketing Budgets - Influencer marketing is becoming an effective way for brands to generate big returns on social. As new influencers emerge on different social networks, businesses are looking to connect with those influencial people and their followers. Influencer marketing platform Tomoson recently polled marketers to get a sense of the current state of the market. SocialTimes

Mobile Email Conversions Jump 70% YoY In Q4 2014 With Mobile Delivering 20% Of Email Generated Revenue [Report] - Report claims responsive design helped drive a 40% increase in CTO rates over non-responsive marketing emails. Marketing Land

Google Rolls Out New URLs In Search Results - Google announced that they’ll change the way they represent URLs in search results. Find out what this means for your mobile search results and what you’ll need to change. Google

Facebook Updates Newsfeed To Balance Content From Friends and Pages - We get a lot of feedback from people and recently started asking people to rate their personal News Feeds to tell us how we can improve. Based on this feedback and our ongoing understanding of how people use News Feed, we are making three updates. Facebook

Twitter Updates Policy and Product Updates Aimed At Combating Abuse - Twitter has turned up the heat on its battle against trolls. The company announced today several policy and enforcement changes that it hopes will curb the online harassment that has plagued the social media platform. Twitter

REPORT: Facebook, Twitter to Make Up 1/3 of U.S. Digital Display Ad Market by 2017 - Facebook and Twitter will account for more than one-third of the digital display advertising market in the U.S. by 2017, according to the latest projections from eMarketer. SocialTimes

From our Online Marketing Community:

From Rejoining TopRank Marketing: 5 Career Lessons That Brought Me Back, Ryan Biddulph said, “Loving these lessons! For me, that passion thing is so huge. It shines through with Lee and you and the culture here and even though the site and brand is not directly related to my niche I do come back, read and comment because you guys really care about what you do.”

What were the top online and digital marketing news stories for you this week?

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

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© Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®, 2015. | Online Marketing News: Facebook Says Hello, Twitter Gets More Direct, Google Gets Mobile-Friendly |

April 24, 2015 at 05:45AM

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