Beginners Guide to Using Pinterest for Business

Pinterest is an online visual discovery tool. It allows users to discover things that;

  • inspire them
  • they want to do
  • they want to discover
  • they want to buy
  • sometimes even things they didn’t know they were looking for

Users share and collect their favorite pictures and videos based on their interests. The sharing of these pictures with other users on Pinterest is what gives your business more exposure.

Ok let me guess, you decided to take a stab at Pinterest this year but you feel a little unsure about whether or not you’re on the right path.  Maybe you’re not even sure you understand Pinterest. Whether you are a newbie or an advanced user it’s helpful from time to time to take a step back and formulate a cohesive plan to help organize yourself or your team to make sure your time on Pinterest yields results.

All social media platforms work differently and end users use them differently too. Posting on Facebook and tweeting on Twitter is not the same as pinning on Pinterest.

Pinterest is beneficial for all types of product & service businesses. Fortune 500 companies like GE and Home Depot to local mom and pop businesses and everything in between. If you’re just starting out on Pinterest you need to define your Pinterest marketing strategies:

1) What do you want to achieve on Pinterest? Is it to:

  • Get more traffic
  • Make more sales
  • Collect market intelligence which helps with future content & product development
  • Raise their brand profile
  • Develop loyal fans and brand advocates

Attach metrics to your goals so you know how to measure your ROI.

2) Do you know who you want to attract?

Purposefully plan to gain a deeper understanding of their needs, problems, interests, etc. The purpose of identifying your target market is so that you can succeed in helping and educating them. The clearer you are about what you’re target audience is looking for the more effective you will be in creating your content.

3) Image inventory assessment

Do you have any marketing materials that you can leverage into Pinterest? You will need pictures for Pinterest and loads of them! Are they the right size for Pinterest? If you don’t have enough original images one of my jobs as a Pinterest consultant is to help you figure out your options for creating more graphics.

Here are three costly mistakes you need to avoid:

1. Being clueless about your keywords

You have to figure out from the very beginning what keywords you want to rank high on in Pinterest’s search engine. Don’t even think about pinning if you’re if you haven’t figured this out yet.

What keywords do people use in a Google search to find your type of products?

Think how search engines think.

If you know this ahead of time you can garnish these keywords in specific areas of your Pinterest account so you get found on the top of Pinterest’s search engine.

Use keywords that pertain to your business when you write descriptions for your pinned images.

2. Your website is not Pinterest friendly

When people land on your website and/or blog do you make it easy for them to share your products and services? Make sure you add the following free tools that Pinterest offers for your website and/or blog:

  1. Follow me button
  2. Pin it buttons
  3. Board widgets
  4. Rich Pin integration

3. You don’t know who to follow on Pinterest

One of your goals on Pinterest is to build your followers on Pinterest. One of the strategies to employ that is to follow specific boards and Pinners so you raise your business profile.

Two keys to keep in mind if you want to have success on Pinterest:

1. A return on your investment.

Regardless of whether you manage your Pinterest account in-house or outsource the management to an agency or expert time is money and you have to decide ahead of time what you’re willing to invest and what you expect in return.

  1. Do you have someone on your team who is qualified to create content and pin on a consistent basis? In what way have they become qualified?
  1. If you decide to outsource are you looking to hire the cheapest person you can hire or someone who is an actual Pinterest expert?

Type the words Pinterest expert or Pinterest consultant into a Google search box.

Notice the results.

If the people you want to hire cannot get themselves onto the first page of Google’s organic search using Pinterest what makes you think they can help you rank any better?

People who rank highly know what they are doing, people who don’t, don’t.  Or they’d be there right?

Has the expert you are considering proven that they know how to use Pinterest to rank high on Google or not?

Do you really what to work with someone who claims to be an expert yet can’t demonstrate that they can use Pinterest to get themselves on the first page of Google?

2. Do you really know how to use Pinterest?

Why reinvent the wheel when someone has already created a proven step-by-step, blueprint on how to have success on Pinterest? Why follow every blog out there and think you can master Pinterest? I’ve spent over 4,000 hours creating Pinterest Marketing for Business course and I’m constantly updating it because Pinterest is always making changes in their policies, tools and features.

Bottom line, from what I have seen and experienced Pinterest can help any business increase traffic and sales. If you don’t know where to start or want to learn how to set-up and operate your Pinterest account correctly for maximum success you can grab Chapter 1 of my

Pinterest Marketing for Business course for FREE to help you get started.

The post Beginners Guide to Using Pinterest for Business appeared first on Plus Your Business.

from Plus Your Business

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