Which Publications Have the Most Social Traction? [Infographics]


Not all social media interaction is created equal. Creative agency Fractl teamed up with BuzzStream, a provider of social media CRM tools, to dig into which digital publications have the most traction and the contributing factors.

The study analysed data from more than 200 publications across 11 verticals, including business, education, entertainment and finance. According to Fractl:

  • 38 percent of all social shares occur on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

  • Facebook is the king of social platforms, but second-string networks contribute more than 30% of shares in some verticals.

  • News and Entertainment articles receive 24 percent more social media shares than all of the other verticals combined.

There were certainly some standout publications in every verticals. For instance, the Fractl data indicates that in the entertainment industry, MTV has the most content being shared from its domain and created the piece of content with the most social traction.

While Entrepreneur.com had the most content being shared from its domain for the keyword \"business,\" Business Insider was the most popular in the business niche and created content with the most social traction.

Check out the report below to see data from all 11 verticals.

via Targeting Outreach for Social Traction

Top image courtesy of scyther5 / Shutterstock.com.

from SocialTimes Feed http://ift.tt/1C1I23B

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